Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian Dating advice?

For a Christian couple that are dating,

Is it ok to go on holiday together or do you need a chaperone?

As for the rooms...........

(YES Atheists we are the fundie types that wait until marriage!)Christian Dating advice?
I don't believe you need a chaperone when God is watching at all times. If you love God %26amp; fear Him, you won't do anything to compromise your relationship with Him. Maybe you should try adjoining rooms, or one room with double beds. Hope this helps.Christian Dating advice?
Do you plan to give into temptation?

A chaperone is required to keep you from sinning. If you can be a good Christian, skip the chaperone.

As far as I'm concerned, if you wanted to sleep in the same bed naked, it would be okay. That's not a sin. Engaging in carnal knowledge would be sinning.

And Atheists aren't about free love and sexual freedom. Don't presume that you have a moral high ground over atheists. There are good reasons not to engage in sex outside of a committed relationship that have nothing to do with religion. God is not required for monogamy.
It would be more fun to find another Christian dating couple to go along, rather than a ';chaperone'; per se. Separate rooms are a must if you are trying to ';avoid the appearance of evil.'; Beyond that, try to keep her parents happy, if you want to keep her happy.
Why would you need a chaperon? Would you not trust yourselves?


But in your beliefs, doesn't God already know what you are going to do? And.... who would it matter to if you had a chaperon... that seems like more of a social standard than a real religious one.
If you can control yourself from doing it with your girl.

If not, why not make your family and her family go together?

It will be fun!

And the rooms...better be seperate. Ok?

Best not have any chances of any posibility of doing naughty things. LOL.
I don't believe there to be any real rules here that you absolutely have to follow. Since you want to wait, Can you control yourself is more the issue. If not, it might not be a good idea without a chaperon.
Well no matter how old you are if you want to wait until marriage for sex then do not sleep in the same room alone together. That is just too tempting and is a proximate occasion to sin.
going on a holiday together is OK.

providing of course seperate rooms, and no hanky panky
Either you trust yourself to be faithful to your commitment, or you don't.

Chaperones are just for show.
Not wise. I can not say no but I can say it is not wise. Even grown adults who date and go away need chaperons.
If your foundation is strong you wont need a chaperone, but I would get seperate rooms.
Sin now repent later.
I would like to know where in the bible it says Christians can date? That is a man made concept.
I faced the same situation. I needed to travel to Hawaii for business that would only take one day. I wanted to stay for a week and share it with a woman that I was hoping to marry. We stayed in separate rooms. My reasons were: (a) It was more important to me to obey God than to save money. (b) I saw that it was time to demonstrate that.

Putting yourselves in the same room provides an opportunity for temptation to easily be acted out. The way to deal with temptation is not to “promise yourself to be good”. Many well intentioned people fail when they rely on will-power.

Instead, be realistic about the human condition and plan to avoid situations where temptation can multiple. Boundaries in life are like tools that help in times when your will-power is weak.

There is another element in the equation, which is your reputations. A good reputation is a hard thing to earn, and something that can be lost in one bad move.

Going with another like minded couple is a good idea. As far as a chaperon goes, I guess you have to make that call if your circumstances warrant it, for example, if the girl's parents were in distress over the matter.

In my circumstances, a chaperon wasn't needed. Assuming your an adult, this is an opportunity to demonstrate your maturity.

By the way, we had a great time in Hawaii. It turns out that we didn’t get married.

Christian dating advice?

Ok so im 15 and i really like this guy who is 13 but im afraid that might be too young for me. However; im dating this guy thats 18 and only wants to have sex which i have not yet given in to. Kirby who is 13 doesn't want that behavior and is a sweet guy. I dont know what to do, i kissed Kirby today which is horrible cuz im dating James but i didn't plan it, it just happened like that. I'm so confused. I want what God wants for my life but right now im thinking he put someone into my life that is great, but the one i'm dating right now isn't the best and he wants me to move in with him in 6 months and if me and him are still dating.

so questions are

1. Do i tell James i kissed Kirby?

2. Should i break up with James?

3. Should i go out with Kirby?

4. Should i just take a break?Christian dating advice?
Look, okay, so Kirby sounds like the kind of guy you should be dating. He seems more suited to your current tastes and vows. I think maybe you should try it with him. But then again you'd have to break it off with James. Good luck with that.

:3Christian dating advice?
1. No. Unless you are really brave and want to be honest with James and take the possibility of him breaking up with you.

2. Yeah. If you are a Christian, and you don't want sex before marriage, then break up with him. Better safe than sorry.

3. If you think that you are ready and don't mind him being younger, go ahead.

4. Maybe that would be a good idea.

Hope this helps.
As a christian break u with James and take a break God doesnt want us to have that pressure and at our age He wouldnt give us that pressure so pick neither and take a break. What in the world are you going out with 15 year old any way. Sorry but that plain Stupid you two live in different spectrums. Just break it off.
well i think you should break up with james it seems like your not that happy with him.tell him you kissed curby and go out with curby. dont take a break i think kurby is rite for you take hi while you have chance.
take a break hon :) ur way too young to be worrying about all this drama

good luck... God bless ya
Take a break. :)
Take a break at 15 guys will come and go and when dating and kissing gets involved it can lead to more even heartbreak and a bad rep ..Don't set yourself up for heartbreak..k nor is god doing this at your age he may be giving you friends but not a boyfriend nor is he telling a 15 year old to move in with a guy that's sin..Slow it down and do more productive stuff that god will enjoy don't go fast in life it will bring things you don't want nor will you be able to handle..bottom line dating can be a door your not ready for so dont open it to fast..Save yourself for your husband and give it time sex is suppose to be precious you rush it you get what it brings..What do you think you parents would do if you got pregnant and then left alone careful of what your doing expecially at 15..
You can't continue being with a man who is forcing you to do things you don't want to do and doesn't respect your religious values. That isn't love. He is selfish.

You have to end it because you will only continue living a lie and hurting yourself and giving your current man the upper hand and power.

Be honest with your current man and tell him about the other guy you're interested in. He will find out sooner or later anyways from others or from the way you act around him (the new man).

Take some time after the breakup to reflect on yourself and decide what you want from there.

Go for the younger guy if you really like him. Become really good friends as well. It will make it easier to stay true to your religious beliefs if you focus on the friendship part. Plus if he is younger he isn't as horny yet and probably will have more respect for you.

Good luck =)
You must realize that at this point in your life your are just dating, not making life altering decisions. Yes, you did wrong by 'dating' someone and kissing another, but no good will come out of kissing and telling. You obviously do not have much in common with James and should break it off (since yes, at that age all he wants is sex). He may be 18 and want his girlfriend to move in with him, but at only 15 you are no where ready to make those decisions.

Do you really think God is speaking to you about dating, or should you just stick to the standards you have for yourself which should be date someone your own age (option #5).
omg can u even do that? quit sure your parents wldnt let you move in with ur bf...and im sorry i dnt even think you should have to think about this..even an idiot cld see what to do.

why wld u stay with james if all he wants is sex and you even said he aint the best!!?..duh break up with him, what so hard about it???

as for kirby, big deal his 2 years younger! 19 i would still date 3 years younger if they were mature looking...

bottom line i wldnt tell james you kissed kirby, id break up with james and go out with kirby!

What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?

I'm 23 years old and I've never had a bf or dated before. I'm heavily into studies at the moment, and with my Christian faith, I know that I need to be patient and start waiting on God to allow things to happen naturally. How do you be patient in these circumstances? Sometimes I feel unwanted or that something must be wrong with me. I don't have time to date because I'm in graduate school and I'm also studying to get into medical school. Sometimes it saddens me that I have all of these goals that perhaps are pushing guys away from me.... How do I remain patient?What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?
All that is wrong with you is that you are unavailable due to

your work load. In similar circumstances, I have heard of many couples getting married and the pull to achieve by one causes

the two to grow at different rates. Eventually they grow apart.

You are saving yourself the emotional roller coaster of an early

marriage that conflicts with your career goals. When you have

time for mating, it will happen naturally - unless you are too

up tight by then.What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?
Keep being patient, hon, because the best guys are the ones worth waiting for -- and especially if you're going into med school-- you're going to need to stay focused. Then, you will meet a fantastically brilliant fellow med student, and that's who you'll probably marry and have a wonderful life with.

There's nothing wrong with you at all.
It is very good that you are into your studies, but you do need to start interacting with guys. God is not ganna make a beautiful man come to your door the moment you graduate. you have to go out there and find him your self. If you like to remain patient, really ask your self how important your studies are to you. Is this the road you really want to take?? Don't be too hard on your self and live your life. You are only young and 23 once in a life time.
My prediction for your life:-

1.. You will continue on as you have always done, repressing your desires

2.. One night you will get drunk, stoned, laid and tattooed

3.. You will then spend the next years agonizing over this night and not actually learn anything from it. It will just have the effect of somehow reinforcing all the repression.
You should stop depending on ';when god allow things to happen';. I think it would be good for you to take control of your life, focus on school yes.....however that has nothing to do with being single or being unwanted or unable to date.

There's time for everything, forget about what god wants, and find time for friends and for dating etc.
it's not that bad, don't be patient i myself am a fallen catholic, i believe that if you want somethiong dont wait on god to give it to you, because if there is a god he likes seing us sad. if you want it go get it, don't be sleezy or slutty just go somewhere where you feel comforatable and casually approach a guy that you like,
After your studies are over you will have more time for romance. I think in medical school you will meet someone also becoming a Dr. and the two of you will hit it off. It is coming on down the line a little further. Remember there are guys in the same spot you are. Thinking exactly like you are. They are asking themselves when will I ever have time for dating. You will get together some day.
God helps those who help themselves. Maybe you should join some groups where men will have some sort of common interest with you like a church group or a study group. Or if you attend church start talking to some people after the service. Maybe you will meet someone that way. As you seem so dedicated to your faith(nothing wrong with that) try to find someone who shares your beliefs as it is really hard when they don't.
Don't listen to any of these people. I would suggest a christian dating site or just finding someone at church. There are not very many devout christians around your age so they are pretty hard to come by. I dont know the name of a christian dating site, but im sure there are some. If not, e-harmony could probably match you up with someone of the same faith and values. Good luck girlie :)
Pray as far as patience.

Get your head in your studies and also get yourself in physical shape.

You CAN date, but make sure that the guy is into you and you share similar VALUES. Make your education and career your priority. People really shouldn't get married until age 30 because then you've matured and have your education completed with your career started.

Don't worry. There is no lack of men. I wouldn't recommend waiting past 32. If you want children, you'll want to think about the health and age in regard to your eggs.

I wish you all the best! Huge hugs!

KitKat : )
It's hard but it's the path you have chosen. I also went to graduate school and it is very difficult to have a 'significant other'. Once you are out of school and live in the real world, things get much easier. I wish someone had told me this back then because in my student days, I was also a dateless wonder.

Don't worry. Just keep putting God first and He'll send someone for you at His time. He probably knows that if He sends a guy your way right now that it will take your attention off of your goals. Just try to be patient and pray about it. Good luck!
you dont need to be patient just try it out because if you never try and just wait for a guy to come along you will never know if he is the right one for you. Date a guy a two so you make sure that you get a man that is good for you.
you are still so young! it is better to wait for the right one then to rush into something that might not be right for you in 10 years... if you are feeling impatient though you could try going on Christian dating sites and chats. There you will find people who have the same goals and values as you. You sound like you have so many things going for you... dont worry about a guy right now!
That's not going to put any (decent) guy off. Its not an issue. Kelly Copeland was talking about waiting for your ';assigned'; partner. There are so many awful men. Why dont you tell God that you are ready now, it will happen.
...prayer, luv. Connecting with the right church can be important.

Staying away from bad influences can also help. Movies and tv can influence any Christian into losing focus on what the Lord has for us to do.
your love for Jesus is so pure you should remain chaste instead of debasing yourself with men who will engage in sex which is inherently dirty and sinful.
It is God's timetable, not mankinds. Be grateful and patient.
if guys only knew you were a virgin than they would be all over you unless you are like really ugly or fat.
Start wearing a purity ring; you'll have to beat them off ... with a stick.

Good God. Get a life, girl. Mr. Right isn't going to walk into your dorm room and propose. Doctors need love too.
Is there something wrong with you? Yes. Your blind faith and Patience has given you a dull loveless life. Things happen to people who make them happen. Get out there and start communicating with people (guys). Do not bring up the subject of religion. What a turn off. Get your nose out of those books for a while and go outside and sit in the sun and contemplate what your life is going to be like in the future if you keep going down this path your on. Can you not see that you have been blindly disregarding life all around you, for the sake of following some religion ? You are wasting your life on your god.

Forget being patient......go out and grab life by the horns.
If you have a goal in life, and that goal is most important to you, imagine the results of that every time your thoughts lead you astray from your work. There is perhaps no way to remain patient, but there is a way to keep yourself focused. It's advice I could stand to take myself.

More to the point, though, you can't rely on God to give you everything. That's just not how life works. If that future you envision has that special someone in it, then seek him out. Get involved with things and find people who resonate with you. If you don't have time to do that, then again, it's a matter of priorities and staying focused.
I would say pray about it. I guess you understand to be patient, and god will provide. By the sounds of it, you sound a little anxious, or lonely. If you would consider to start dating, just pray about it. A little prayer can go a long ways. It is not a sin to ask for a companion. God's always listening. And, you sound like u have a very busy lifestyle, good job on the studies. If you want to, make time for yourself. Try not to work too hard. I know this sounds a little too much cause u always have to be doing something, but just take it easy and relax. I would say be patient, but saying it is not the same as doing it... Just pray about it. And you'll find someone when u least expected.

What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?

I'm 23 years old and I've never had a bf or dated before. I'm heavily into studies at the moment, and with my Christian faith, I know that I need to be patient and start waiting on God to allow things to happen naturally. How do you be patient in these circumstances? Sometimes I feel unwanted or that something must be wrong with me. I don't have time to date because I'm in graduate school and I'm also studying to get into medical school. Sometimes it saddens me that I have all of these goals that perhaps are pushing guys away from me.... Help?What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?
Your Asian , Right ?

Many Asians put study first in their early life , if you are 23 , I would guess you are almost finished your studies . Why not finish them off %26amp; then look for a BF or if you want one now , why not look at your class mates who have similar goals as you.Just be careful the wrong BF could drag your mind off your studies %26amp; it would be a shame to fail so close to the finish.

If you are not Asian then the same thing applies.

I am sure you are a beautiful person %26amp; will find the right boy , just take your time.

If you want a friend then you are welcome to email meWhat advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?
I'm not asian, but thank-you for the wonderful answer.

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Well, ';stop waiting and get yourself a date before you're over the hill'; comes to mind immediately. If you don't have time to date and you're heavily into studies, that implies that your non-dating is a choice. Why then do you feel unwanted? How would you even KNOW whether or not you're wanted unless you put yourself out there and make yourself available to date?
...and there's your problem right there ';... waiting on god....';.

To do what exacly? Have you no sense as to what you want and what you don't want? Can't you tell between an azz hole and one who is not? Where's your judgement in the matter? Oh that's right.. your ';waiting on an invisible entity to supply the goods..... '; ...good luck with that.
Don't worry dear, im 18 and have never had a boyfriend either, in a way though i think its Gods way of protecting me, i have very very very high standards for guys so maybe thats why, i really could care less about the whole dating thing, i figure if God has a man for me he will bring him to me and i won't have to go out chasing guys, God will bring you the right person when the time is right. Just focus on your studies now, relationships can cause alot of stress and extra worries that will interfere with school.
God has called some for special purposes and teaches us that only some who are specially gifted to be single at least for a while and that its so they can serve Him in a special way without the constraints of family. It may be for a short time or for life but its a special gift. Also those who trust in God have a promise that He will not only care for them but also give them the desires of their heart.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
yes relationships are not worth it and u cant stop the real one .. if its the real deal it will go smoothly with the goals you have and make you go forward and not stagnate or lose ground .. and u wont have to try to find the right one either it will come to you .. my best advice is stay focused on what you have going on coz it sounds good to me :) .. life isnt passing you by your on top of it at the moment ..
It sounds to me that you have made a lot of correct decisions. Both of my sons are adults, both in college and neither date. They wish to prepare a home to present to their brides and trust that God will lead them to their brides.

Be patient and God will lead.
Congrats on getting into medical school and good luck in all you do! but on to your question: God is not a matchmaker. If you want a bf, then you have to go out and look for one. God will put him in your path, but you have to walk the path to meet him.
My advice is twofold. First, you have chosen the correct priority, education. Second, do not let society and american culture make you feel inferior because you are not ';doing the dating scene'; the way peer pressure says we should. God has given life to you to make your own decisions. he will bless our decisions if we ask, but He will not make them for us. You,ve plenty of time for dating and romance, get your life together first. Thanks for sharing and Godspeed on your journey.
First don't date a man who is not a christian and not a virgin. Second wait for confirmation from God when you find someone who appeals to you. God will lead you if you will listen.
one has to decide do i want to be this medical professional with possibly no spouse.

Should I date now or wait to after I reach my goal.

You should ask god what he wants you to do.
It depends what your objective is. But if someone asks you out, accept the date, for the practice. It's just a date. One date is not going to destroy your academic career. Be honest with the guy.
You need to study the bible for guidance.

I recommend reading Ezekiel 23:19-21
lighten up and enjoy life, not saying you don't, but spend more time just hanging with friends... don't think you have to ';play the dating game';... just be a real friend and don't turn down time to enjoy the simple things with someone.
Ask God to give you the right boyfriend and have faith! God Bless! Good Luck! That special someone will come when God wants them to.
Have you considered a dating service or a matchmaker?

Are there no eligible young men at your church?


don't allow your feelings to over ride your sense .
get a dildo
GOD WILL THROW A MAN DOWN FOR YOU FROM ready to catch it...and remember to thank god!
Continue to get your life in order and the person who said get a dildo is just that. Ignore him/her. You should wait on the guy of your dream so that you can do things the right way. If you do that God will bless you more than ever. I wish I could have saved myself for marriage but the person I thought was going to be my future wife decided to cheat on me. So get your life in order and everything else will fall in place.
  • puffy eye cream
  • Christian Advice! I wanna date my best friend.. shes sometimes brings up that we wont get married . but i do.?

    I dont know how to tell her i really like her,, im 19 shes 18 shes really a great girl.. i was always that dumb jock that got all the girls and she knew about them.. now i wanna be with her but shes my bestfriend.. through good and bad...Christian Advice! I wanna date my best friend.. shes sometimes brings up that we wont get married . but i do.?
    This may be an unpopular answer, but as Christians, what's important is God's will, not necessarily what's popular.

    If you aren't ready to marry her, then don't even ask her out. The reason why is because if you don't marry her, you WILL hurt her eventually through a breakup. Would love do that? You say that she's your best friend. Could you hurt her like that without backing up your promises with a commitment? You have to understand what it does to women when you pay attention to them; you constantly have to live up to what you profess, or they will get hurt. Do you want to hurt your best friend?

    If your goal is to eventually be a godly, faithful, Christian husband, then start being that man right now. Stop dating girls and get to know God. Your friend doesn't see you as marriage material because you fool around with all these other girls. She wants to follow a godly Christian leader, someone who she won't ever have to worry about being faithful to her. How can she trust you if you keep dating these other women? She wants to know that she's the only one, and she must be the only one. If you aren't man enough to commit to her, then leave her alone until you are ready. Put her on the altar of your heart before God and pray, pray, pray . . . not that you two would be together, but that God's will would be done. As His child, God wants to bless you more than you will ever know, and you may be holding onto something far less than His best.

    I would highly recommend a book by Elisabeth Elliot called Passion and Purity. It's packed with wisdom. Also, check out the following sermon:鈥?/a>

    May our Lord fill you with wisdom. :)Christian Advice! I wanna date my best friend.. shes sometimes brings up that we wont get married . but i do.?
    you should tell her how you feel. She's probably feeling the same way.
    just say it to her with all honesty... there is no harm in trying anyway... how will you know if you wont even try...
    Wow. It sounds like you feel pretty strong about her! If you really consider her your best friend then you really need to tell her. Not just that you like her, but tell her everything: how you feel, what you think of her, why she's special. I know that would be really hard cuz you're putting you heart on the line, but what would be worst: never telling her you love her and wishing you had or to tell her and find out how she feels, whether she feels the same or not?? Save yourself some heartache and go for it. If it doesn't work out, trust me, you'll feel so much better for at least doing it. That will help you move on. Best of Luck and I hope you get your girl. You sound like a sweety!
    Just tell her that you like her...and you're sorry that you didn't realize it friends make the best marriages. Sounds like you might actually be out..this can be habit forming and you might turn out to be a man...LOL

    Reiterating exactly what you've said here would be an excellent startr. Tell her ALL the reasons why you do like her...she'll probably put you on probabtion (because she knows you..LOL) or be willing to give it a trial run (dating) so long as you're a gentleman and behave yourself the way a mature MAN ought boozing, parties, chasing girls, running around with your friends constantly..etc

    Nice to see someone that is done chasing skirts and has started pursuing character, instead.

    (Proverbs 31:10) Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

    (Proverbs 31:11) The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

    (Proverbs 31:12) She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
    I don't understand - what kind of christian advice do you need here?

    Is it because of religious differences that she won't marry you %26amp; you are asking us what can be done about it?
    Tell her you like her! Don't worry about those marriage comments, you're way too young to even think about that. Just let her know that you have liked her for a while and would like to be more than friends.
    You can't force anyone into marriage, and she's not wanting that right now. It's ok, you're both too young to make a major life change like that without a LOT of thought and committment--she's probably well aware of that.

    Be friends, be with her, hang out, but don't push the marriage thing or she'll end up backing away. It has to be a mutual decision.
    If you guys are best friends now, then you can continue to be friends if the relationship doesn't work out. Go for it man. Never have to ask yourself what could have been.
    Be nice to her and others will follow.
    just say it!

    I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?

    Ok well first off i am a single mom who has already been divorced.. and now raising my 11 month old son.. i am christian, and was raised that way. i do believe it's good to raise your children in your religon.. but i don't want him to think any other religon is wrong, that's for him to decide when he grows up.. ok so that's a little about me.. now i am dating a guy who is mormon.. and he has no problem dating me, or kissing me, any of those things.. even eventually getting romantically involved. but my question is.. is this all ok, i mean if i ever got married to a mormon, i would never become mormon, and i wouldn't raise my son that way. how would all of that work.. i have asked him about the way things work about marrying someone who isn't mormon, and he told me, it doesn't matter what the person is, mormon or not, if you love them, then people will except that you are both different. if we ever had kids. what religon would they be. i am not against his beliefs.I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?
    Try to stick with the same religion or make him christian. These mormom people made up stories and its not worth fighting about it after marriage.

    My boyfriend is Hindu and I am christian and I changed him and now he is christian and will get baptized before marriage. Thats love and I changed him coz I want him to be with me in heaven.I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?
    please focus to your baby and your health first before thinking about guys out my experience...when I'm still dating everything seems OK....but my dear,.... religion,money, relationship with in-laws are the common root of misunderstanding between husband and wife that leads to divorce...stop dating.
    This is for you and your partner to discuss ahead of marriage. You and your families all need to be happy about what you all believe and how your children should be raised.

    To give you some pointers, here's a website where this topic is discussed. I hope this helps. Good luck!
    I am a ';Mormon'; and I can promise you that you will get a lot of bad information here on Y!Answers. So from the details you provided, it sounds like you are simply worried he'll pressure you or your son into converting to the ';Mormon'; religion. I obviously don't know him, but I can tell you that he probably will try to teach you, and share the Gospel with you. You should not feel forced though. You do not have to be Mormon to marry another Mormon. I believe marrying outside your religion can introduce additional pressures on a marriage, but it depends on the commitment level each of you have to your own beliefs. I would defintely recommed talking it out with him. Explain your concerns to him, base your decisions on his response and Heavenly Father's answer after praying about it. Good Luck to you and your son
    If you have reservations about this then I suggest you tread VERY carefully. There are some couples that can pull off an interfaith marriage, others cannot.

    I, too, am Christian, but I have learned you have Christians %26amp; non-christians. It's those man-made rules %26amp; ideas that seem to get us into trouble; not God's.

    You both sound like you are very strong in your own faith. I can't tell you whether it will cause problems for you down the road. But if you think it MIGHT, now would be the time to end the relationship, heal %26amp; move on.

    Take care of that little one. :)
    Mormons believe God was a man in the beginning. and by being what they are gives them all a chance to be Gods. I have a Mormon book. I am Christian. I know a Mormon. He said they are a cult. They have secret concubines. His goal is not to convert you, it is to convert the children. You are female and without significance.
    You'd better watch out. Mormons will try to suck you in. There's no way you can marry this guy without becoming a Mormon. Go on the net and look at how Mormon men act after they are married. I don't mean to offend anyone, but this is a reality. I am not prejudiced about anyone's religion (and I am not Christian) but there are some real concerns here for you and your child. Please take the time to get educated about Mormonism. Good luck.
    no offence but Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with God. Anyway, Christians can only do one thing at a time like this, pray. Pray for him if you love him so much and he loves you really loves you then he will change. Ask God if he is the man for you. Your life will be better if you marry the man God has set out for you. If you ever did get married i think the children would decide for themselves. its your job as a parent to guide them into the religion or for christanity, faith, that you believe in.
    First of all if you don't sound like you know much about Mormons, you will not find much on this site, you are already getting the wrong information from some people.

    Mormons are allowed to marry Non-Mormons, Mormons are Christian, the real name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you can just say LDS(Latter-Day Saint).

    LDS will not force you or your kids to become LDS, that is for you to decide and your kids when they get older. LDS do not practice plural marriage.

    Have you talked to your boyfriend and found out what he wants?

    Hmm I suggest finding someone else with your religious beliefs. I find it very odd a mormon would date a non mormon usually they are very strict about who they date. But nontheless I think for you, it would just be easier to move on and find a fellow christian. Bringing two religions together is never easy and if you do decide to stay with this man you should ask him what he expects of you for example if he expects you and your son to become mormons. Get all the facts on the table before you say the i do's. Good luck to you!
    ok is his family into ';plural marriage';? if so then run, head for the hills! i'd be very careful about continuing a relationship with this person because he's not being all together honest with you. mormons go on mission strictly for religious conversion. if his family is that much into their religion he's probably gone on mission himself. men in the mormon culture are true heads of their households, carefully look at his parent infrastructure to determine if he's going to mirror their behavior. just be careful about progressing your relationship with him and seriously study their culture/religious from an unbiased point of view and what i mean by that is not propaganda put together by the church. personally i wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with a non-christian. Good luck.
    Sounds like you've already thought this through pretty well and he has too.

    Myself, I would sit down and talk with the family and let them know that your child and future children will not be forced into any particular religion. As a child you can introduce them to both, when they get older, as you said, let them decide which religion they prefer.

    I know a couple that were married for 40 + years and they were different beliefs. (One is deceased now.) But they loved each other and practiced their own religions and never tried to force one on the other and it worked out just fine, till death did they part!

    Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?

    I am well over 30 and dating. It was my Christian women friends who said, ';why not?';. No, I dont follow them blindly...but I do respect their input and believe it is important to fellowship and get good Christian counsel. Anyhow, now that I have met someone through my church--it has become rather complicated. Seems that every couple we meet has one member that is pushing for marriage and the other is just trying to figure out what to do. These are all nice people and devoted service oriented Christians. But none of them can make up their minds on the issues of meeting (is it God ordained and if so, what do we look for?), dating, marriage, sex and the rest of it. I'd like to tell myself that life expectancy wasnt so long when the bible was written and therefore, its different when you have an annulment over age 35....but noah lived to be like 600 or something and he had only one wife.....You should know that every one of these people wants a God Blessed commited marriage...not one of them would shy away if they were sure.....but since we already have a past and since we are all sinners are we supposed to know what to do? We have prayed together in small groups and me and my guy pray all the time. Is dating just strictly off limits for those that are divorced? widowed? or otherwise single over 35? help. Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?
    If both of you focus your eyes on Jesus, you should be fine. Discuss frankly with each other about each other's expectation in life and not be blinded by love at cloud 9. Establish spiritual intimacy before the physical touch. Only Jesus makes both man %26amp; women complete, not the two of them. Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?
    You've become mired in the false statements and desires of those past who have changed the original texts of the Bible to suit their needs. What you see in print today is a far cry from the original first century scripts.

    Life only has the meaning you give it.
    You are over the age of 35, that is a good thing when it comes to dating. After a certain amount of time, your experience whether good or bad can help guide you through the youthful lusts and experiences. My thoughts are this, are you completely over your previous relationships, or is this one an extension of that? If so, slow it down and ask God for good counsel before you continue any further with her. Two, before you got with her, was there a signal within you that said that she was worth marrying? Dating's plan is truly a preparation for marriage, never get with no one that you cannot forsee yourself being engaged to for a lifetime. Next, bring healing to that women as you are, because good relationships stand when the man first stands for a woman that is hurting. It is funny that no relationship whould exist if that were not true, pray for and over her. Last, make sure you continue to walk with God first, being steadfast as his mouthpiece in this relationship.

    God hates divorce, but if you two have come to an agreement then move on. Otherwise, sit back and align yourself with God.

    I hope this helps

    I am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?

    Ok well first off i am a single mom who has already been divorced.. and now raising my 11 month old son.. i am christian, and was raised that way. i do believe it's good to raise your children in your religon.. but i don't want him to think any other religon is wrong, that's for him to decide when he grows up.. ok so that's a little about me.. now i am dating a guy who is mormon.. and he has no problem dating me, or kissing me, any of those things.. even eventually getting romantically involved. but my question is.. is this all ok, i mean if i ever got married to a mormon, i would never become mormon, and i wouldn't raise my son that way. how would all of that work.. i have asked him about the way things work about marrying someone who isn't mormon, and he told me, it doesn't matter what the person is, mormon or not, if you love them, then people will except that you are both different. if we ever had kids. what religon would they be. i am not against his beliefs.I am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?
    You are getting some rational advice above, but, in matters of religion, esp. between a Mormon and a non-Mormon, there is nothing but hardship ahead for you both. I know of no successful Mormon and non-Mormon marriages, when both parties are deeply religious. Either you will have to convert or he will if you expect this to last.

    My advice to you is to have some very frank discussions about the differences between your belief systems.

    YOU need to do more research about Mormonism.

    Start here:

    Mormonism Summary:

    Is Mormonism Christian?:鈥?/a>

    Doctrinal Writings of Mormon Leaders:鈥?/a>

    More details for those wanting to go deeper:鈥?/a> am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?
    He is right. If two people love one another then it should not matter. Even so love conquers all and you will work things out.

    As for his Mormon family, they will get over it! Your kids can be whatever they choose to be, teaching them about Jesus Christ is all that matters.

    When I married my husband he was not Mormon, he was getting baptized the following week. I do not know if i would marry him if he wasn't LDS, but it seems that your man doesn't mind!
    It is very dangerous for a Christian to marry someone who has not made a heart and life commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. To be ready for marriage spiritually means, first of all, that both parties involved have accepted Christ and eagerly intend to make Christ the Head of their home. To consider marriage without the possibility of spiritual agreement is to invite argument and unhappiness into the future household.

    I would not guarantee that with becoming a Christian, the whole problem of marriage and the home is automatically solved. But I do say that complete fulfillment in marriage can never be realized outside of the life of Christ. ... I would advise every couple planning to establish a home to first come to a complete agreement on their religious faith. Amos 3:3 states: ';Can two walk together, except they be agreed?';

    God ordained marriage to be a ';perfect triangle';鈥擥od, you, and your spouse. The closer each marriage partner lives to God, the closer each will live to the other. Such closeness is impossible when one spouse does not have a personal relationship with God. This is the reason the Bible says we should not be unequally yoked; read 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. The apostle Paul applies this principle in the case of widows when he writes, ';But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord'; (1 Corinthians 7:39b).

    Spiritual unity is a very important part of marriage鈥攁nd if it is missing, your happiness will not be complete. This is one reason why the Bible warns, ';Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?'; (2 Corinthians 6:14). I can't help but feel, however, that you are actually facing an even deeper issue鈥攁nd that is your own relationship with God. Perhaps you believe in God; you may even be a member of your church. But have you ever asked Christ to come into your life and committed yourself without reserve to Him? My prayer is that you will do so today.

    Then pray for your boyfriend and ask God to bring him to Christ also. Life's greatest joy comes from walking with Christ鈥攁nd that joy is multiplied when a husband and wife walk together with Him.

    One footnote, you say that it will be for your son to decide when gets older what faith is right for him. Well, faith is a personal decision that each of us has to make; but God has given you, the parent, the responsibility of teaching your child the ways of God. ';And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates'; (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). Clearly, God says parents are to see to it that children learn the Word of God in the home first and then in the church. May this be your desire as you to seek to raise your son.
    Mormons are not judgemental but do hold to there faith firm I am one.

    I was the same as you but on the revese side of the spectrum.

    My wife was Mormon before me. For me to be with her it required mcuh change.

    I had to stop drinking and smoking and all manners of unChristlike behavior to be married in the temple and to be with her before she would marry me. How can you fully trust a person if they are not obeying the commandments of God?

    It was a hard change and she waited and endured much. It was worth it. We are very happy. For a relationship to sucessfull youi and your husband or partner need to be one in the same purpose. One cannot serve God and the other servce satan or have his or foot halfway in the door.

    Mormon precepts are very good to live by and keep the adversary out of your life. If his family does not accept or help you then they are not being Christians. But I highly doubt that will be then case unless you do things that are very compromising to a relationship or family. They want you to learn and know the truth thats it.

    Have you read the book of Mormon%26gt;?

    Do you seek truth?

    It is a promise in the book of Mormon that he who reads fully and asks in the name of Christ if the church and book are true that God will manifest the truth to the reader through the power of the holy ghost.

    Once you know that it will set you two on the same path.
    If you are really a christian then you know that divorce does not exist.So your relation with another man is fornication and adultery so you are damned.

    If you decided to get a divorce then you are not acting like a christian. But you still claim that you are to question your relation with a mormon. So either religion is important for you or it is not. Either you are confused or you are hypocritical. That's a familiar pattern with christians that have a ';cafeteria'; approach to religion. They take what they want and ignore the rest.

    Mays I suggest you drop religion all together and just enjoy a normal life ?
    Wow, where to start... well first of all lip service Christianity is the same as no Christianity. Judging by what you wrote it sounds like to me all you have is religion. Religion will get you know where with GOD. GOD seeks a relationship with you and all of humanity. This can only be achieved through JESUS CHRIST HIS SON Jn 3:16-19 \ Rom 10:9-10. You said that you don't want to think any other religion is wrong.... the bible says that ONLY thru the name of JESUS can ';ANYONE'; be saved. What does that tell you about other religions? As for Mormonism... it is not Christianity. It is a cult. On the outside it appears Christian, but when you begin to dig deeper you see how much their doctrines differ from what the bible teaches. Look, here is the bottom line, you can do what you want, you are an adult... but my advice is to come to GOD on your knees and ask JESUS to come into your heart forgiving all your sins. Then seek HIS will in everything that you do and he will guide you. GOD has the perfect husband just waiting for you. Unfortunately satan has the perfect counterfeit waiting for you as well. You will not no the difference unless you first give your life to GOD by excepting JESUS as your Savior.

    I have been married for 33 years to a mormon. He is fine with me not converting, I was raised Southern Baptist, but no longer go to church. However, the missionaries and Home Teachers still visit and try to convert me, they want me to join the Relief Society, teach Primary, etc. They are great people, take care of their own, but I have no interest in joining their church. The church will try to pressure you into converting, they will tell you that you won't be able to be with your husband in Heaven if you are not sealed in the Temple, and you cannot do that if you are not a member of their church. No matter how many times I tell them I am not interested, they still have not given up on me.
    ...If you are a true believer in Christ, if you've trusted in Him alone as your savior, what are you doing fooling around with some guy who's in a cult?

    ...Observe 2 Corinthians 6:14-15:

    ...14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

    ...15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?


    ...There is no verse that calls you to missionary dating. If you stick with this bird, you are headed for a life of uncertainty and misery. It will stunt your spiritual growth, and you'll be disobeying God's word.

    You may want to talk about it....if he's really into his religion, he may not be willing to marry you if you won't change to his.
    cant you see what religion is doing to you? cant even socialize with someone who isnt your religion..........let go of christianity you will be much happier
    it's complicated.

    When you marry a mormon, you marry the mormon religion. If you ever try to stay away from it, you will inevitably pull him away from it, and his family will inevitably think you are the devil. Mormons are taught that ';there are two churches only: the church of the Lamb (the Mormon Church), and the church of the devil (all other churches; or, a more apologetic response: all that goes against the mormon church).

    I wish you good luck, but if the family is ';way into their religion';, you will have a VERY hard time.
    The Bible says that we need to be ';equally yoked'; meaning that we need to be at a equal spiritual state.

    But it's hard.

    He's probably a great guy and all but here's couple of things:

    You want him to love you right?

    See if he sacrifices for you

    See if he give you grace

    See if he give you freedom

    See if he will be obedient to God and the Bible

    This is the love God demonstrated when he died on the cross, right?

    These things would lead you both to uncover truth and you would be a great motivator for him to see.
    How strong is his belief? Would he follow an elders directive, because if he doesn't he could be shunned . Could he handle that ? Could he handle being shunned by his family? Or would he put his belief on the back burner? I think you both should sit down with church elders and lay your cards on the table. I believe that one of you would have to compromise your belief and I can't see him doing it in view of his family.You would not be married in the morman church if you didn't become one.A lot depends on where you live . Is there a strong morman presence where you live? That will surely affect the situation. All I can do is wish you luck.
    wow, quite the dilemma. it sounds like this isn't much of an issue for him, but his family might be a different story. is he going to stand up for you to his family if they say things against you? it's great to raise your son learning about different faiths being as acceptable as his own, thank you for that. my son's best friend is christian/jewish. his parents have been happily married for more than 20 years. i attended the boy's bar mitzvah where his christian father read hebrew from the koran (i think that's what is it please excuse my ignorance) and so did his jewish mother. this boy sometimes goes to church with his father. so it can work out. personally i think it raises a well rounded individual who you can be very proud of. i and my kids are pagan but are exposed to and learn about many other religions, my spouse (their step father) is atheist. his father is catholic, his mother christian. they have never ever said one thing bad about my religion, as i have never said one bad thing about theirs.

    just take things slowly and you'll know in your heart if it will work out : )
    They are two contrasting different religions. Not everyone in Mormonism knows the deep tenants of their faith, as with Christians. Listen to what others say about not being unequally yoked to non-believers. Check out the link below for a great audio discussing some of the basic beliefs of Mormonism, and you'll find much of it quite scary. If you'd like, post a message on my blog w/ your email addy and I'll give you a few more pieces of info regarding the matter.

    oh yeh, as wordman says above, true Christianity is not a religion: my mistake
    theres is no god

    no past life @#$% either!!!

    no heaven an hell too!!!!

    no fortune tellers no horoscope @#$% either!!!

    no adam an eve crap!!!

    no ghosts!!!

    no fairies!!!

    and no one can '; read '; your mind @#$% either!!!

    pls get a life :)

    thank you an have a nice day :)
    First of all, Mormor belief is not all that dissimilar from Christian belief. In fact, they pretty much coincide with each other. The best thing to do in a situatio like that is to pray to God for understanding and guidance. Only He can give you the answers you seek. However, I will say this much. If a religion or belief does not coincide with what the Bible teaches the Lord tells us to rebuke it as a false teaching. As long as you both keep God in your life and in your heart He will help make it work for you. Just make sure that you stay open to receiving the word of God....

    Christian Dating advice??

    Hello. I am 19 and will be 20 in August. For the longest time I have not been really too concerned about dating. I have had school, work, and other family concerns that have occupied most of my time. However, the more I see that I am the only one in my family that does not have someone, I start to get upset. I am from a small town, going to school in another small town, etc. and I am looking for a strong Christian guy. Do you have any suggestions of how to meet that special someone in a ';non-Christian'; environment?Christian Dating advice??
    Sweetheart just continue on with your life . Dont let others make you think you have to have someone . If you rush yourself into a relationship then you will miss the one that God has picked out for you . If your lonely then why not involve yourself with more Christian activities ? Participate with summer activities at a church camp for children even . Many women place themselves into the wrong marriages / relationships because of reasons like that .Christian Dating advice??
    This question can also apply to Christian guys looking for a Christian woman.

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    Why do you want to meet someone in a non-Christian environement. If you are a Christian, than I don't need to quote the scripture about being unequally yolked.

    Try a different pond. There are lots of fish in the sea, but if the sea where you are is all fished out, then find another pond.

    Take some classes at a Christian college, go on a college retreat with your church. Go on a short term missions trip with college age people.
    Why be so concerned about finding a Christian man, any other man is no less a sinner.

    You could join an online dating thing, they have that for christians.
    Why would you expect to find a strong Christian guy in a non christian environment. That part of your question is not sensible. Are you a Christian?? Then look for a sheep with other sheep, not the cows. You need to be involved in your Church activities and someone will come along in answer to your prayers. You feel the need, but now you must pray for the right person. There are a lot of duds, even in the church. Take your time.
    How do you expect to find somebody with strong Christian values in a non-Christian environment? Blind luck? Divine intervention?

    I would suggest attending Christian-themed activities (like church related stuff). You'll stand a much better chance of meeting somebody with the aforementioned values.
    Just pray and trust in the Lord. He will provide you your mate when the time is right.
    don't rush it...god will put the right man in your path when you are ready for the relationship. so many of us feel lonely and settle for the first thing that comes along, then we pray to have it taken away. trust the lord your god and he will give you the desires of your heart, he knows what you want better than you do and when he sets things in motion for you, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is right.
    It is very hard but pray about it, but also have patience you are too young to be in a relationship, Jesus will send you someone special a Christian man, just be patient.
    pray for him to come to you.
    Start with prayer.
    If you are in a '; Non-Christian'; Environment as you indicate then you will hook up with someone that is Non-Christian. You need to be in a christian environment and meet other christian men and when it is time then you will meet that person. In fact you should be praying for that person right now that god protect them and guide them until you two cross paths at the right place and right time..GODS TIME
    I think Paul had the right of it, you are better off single than getting involved with a woman. In the event that you can find a good one though, right down my address....
    You might want to try a Christian online site for singles. BUT be very careful. Don't meet up with someone until you have chatted for a long time, talked to references, etc. And even then, meet in a public place until you know that they are who they say they are.

    Good luck.
    Not really-but you are still very young and have plenty of time....Don't rush it. You will end up with a turd...
    Start by going to a Christian Church. And instead of dating talk to the Pastor about courting. it may sound old fashioned however it is more practical for Christians. I suggest to stay away from dating non-Christians, as they will or can have a bigger influence on you than you on them. Especially in the area of sexuality. Lets face it you wantto remain pure for your husband.
    If you don't mind using the internet, then you can specify where you're from, age, religion etc. but other than that I'm not sure unless there's a church group or something.
    Go to church!
    Many Churches have groups for Young Adults.
    if you go to a bar, you'll find drunk people.

    If you go to a law school, you'll find smart people.

    Go to a place where Christian men would hang out together. If there is no one at your church, maybe visit another church from the same denomination.

    And if that doesn't work, start a bible study and invite people. Both guys and girls. Not only will have something to look forward to, but you'll get to meat friends and guys.

    But try that.

    and if that doesn't work, try

    I think.
    I would say not to worry too much about it. Im 31 and still havent found Mr Right For Me! I have friends who are desperately unhappy with their partners and although I cant say Leave to them as its notmy place I am prepared myself to wait till I find someone I truely love. I just cant be like my friends who would rather have someone who makes them sad rather than be single. Dont worry you will find someone nice, as they say it will happen when you stop looking! Good luck
    Try one of those Christan dating sites, there could be a guy for you in a near by town, never know.
    You can't be guaranteed that whoever you meet in that ';non-Christian environment'; is going to see eye to eye with you on spiritual issues. If religion is that important to you, you're pretty much stuck with church and church functions. Does your church have Bible study groups?
    have you prayed to God about your concerns about getting the special boyfriend.....? If not, than do so...he will give you the answer in less time than you think...but do it with faith, no doubting at all...and maybe he can do more than that....that is if you let him.
    there are loads of Christian online dating servives and on other dating services, you can specify that being a Christian is essential criteria. I know a lot of the sites are free. If you just type in ';Christian dating'; or something like that into your search box, it'll come up wit a few options.
    The best place to find a ';strong Christian guy'; is in a bar or porn shop/movie no less than twenty miles from his ';strong Christian family.';

    You might find one at Hooter's, but he won't be a ';strong Christian,'; he would only be a ';mediocre Christian.';

    Happy hunting.
    Do you know of a singles group in your church or a Christian singles group that meets regularly? How about eharmony? Just my suggestions.
    You shouldn't pass up opportunities to date and find out what it is you feel you require from a relationship. Especially if you are from a small town. You may want to be lax on the strong Christian criteria. If they respect your views then dating should not be a problem.

    Possibly you are looking in the non church environment to avoid watching eyes of pastor and family?

    There are Christian on line dating - but risky and not much chance you will find someone in your area always. What about places where a Christian, or a generally nice guy, would volunteer?

    Just be positive that you will meet someone. Worrying about it and being negative will not draw that into your life. You have the power of your spirit to create your life, to draw things to you. Positive energy, gratefullness. Pray inwards.
    Well two birds of a feather flock together. The way I look at it is focus on your relationship with God. Don't be upset because you do not have a mate. Maybe this is your time to grow closer with him and build a solid relationship with him so when you are in a relationship, the rest will fall in to place. Seek GOD first and he will bless you with the right man you are suppose to be with.

    PLEASE GO TO THIS WEBSITE and read what it says about choosing a mate. It will help you further.鈥?/a>
    god values you no matter if you have a man or not. god has a plan fo ryour life, whether it involves a husband, or just yourself. dno't ruch, even if you are an adult

    god bless

    Go out, meet new people. If you're looking specifically for a Christian, get involved in Christian activities.

    Be more concerned though as to -why- you want to date someone. If you get involved with a guy simply because you don't want to be the only one in your family without someone, that isn't fair to the guy.

    Can I get some Christian men's advice on dating?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for three years. He's 19 and I'm 21. We're waiting to say ';I love you'; until we know we want to get married, but he doesn't feel ready to think seriously about marriage yet. I know he's the guy I want to marry and that I love him, but he's not sure yet. Is this normal for a guy after dating three years, even though he is only 19? Thanks.Can I get some Christian men's advice on dating?
    Yes, normal. The fact that he's 19 %26amp; been with you 3 years speaks volumes. Stay cool with it.Can I get some Christian men's advice on dating?
    I think you said the magic word. He is 19. I got married when I was twenty. I will tell you right now I was no where near ready for it.

    It led to a divorce and now my wife and I are just getting back together. I am 28 now.

    The best thing to do is be patient. When the right time comes it will happen. If you rush into it, you will end up in disaster.
    completely normal. Look at people who get divorced. They were hopefully once both really sure they wanted to get married, then at least one changed his or her mind. And that's after years of dating and marriage.

    How about waiting until you both have finished college?
    He should have known in the first year. No, it's not normal, I think he lacks maturity in the sense that he doesn't know enough about marriage to know if he is ready or not. In short, he's too young to know himself.
    You're waiting until you're ready to get married to say ';I love you?';


    You're both way too young to be thinking about marriage.
    Dont force him in to a relation ship for which he is not prepared yet as he is only 19. Give him space and time to grow up. Its better late than never.
    YES it normal It's called Pubescent!

    Don't expect anything from him,. he's 19,... he can just now drink legally and you want a future,.. You need to get in touch with reality
    He's 19, of course he is not ready.

    Keep on waiting and good luck
    He is wise, I wouldn't push him too hard or you will drive him away.
  • puffy eye cream
  • As a Christian woman, is it okay to date....??? (Christian advice please)?

    A man who doesn't go to church every Sunday? I am a Christian who is involved in the church. I attend church every Sunday.

    I've known this man for almost a year. we just casually talk and go out to dinner. Its never been nothing more. We recently considered getting to know each other more and seeing where it goes. However, he told me he has a relationship with God, believes and is spiritual. But sometimes he's too tired to get up and go to church after a long week or work and the gym, so sometimes on Sunday he'll get the word through the tv.

    I said I want someone as dedicated as I am, and we cut things off. Was this wrong, does he not need to attend church every Sunday. I just think it's odd... and I assume he'll attend church much less than he will watch it on TV.As a Christian woman, is it okay to date....??? (Christian advice please)?
    The scriptures do speak of not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, as is the manner of some; we have so many hours each day, that we spend on other things. Why should God get our scraps? We can surely devote 3 hours on one day a week to study and show God some appreciation.As a Christian woman, is it okay to date....??? (Christian advice please)?
    I'm a Christian. I'm dating a jewish guy right now so obviously he doesn't go to church every sunday, then again neither do I. I only go sometimes but the point is of course it's okay!
    That's a personal decision.
    i have a feeling that u have strength in religion but i have a personal view that spirituality is just as important as religion.

    don't be regretful, because there's peace in God. so just find joy within urself and see what the future holds. i think ur the type who prays so, i know God sees something very special for both this man and u. maybe ask urself if one of the blessings might be u...

    going back to my personal stuff, i myself have MAYBE done the opposite of the usual religious practices of many Christians. i'm dating outside, not only of Christianity but the man i'm ';dating';, he's Hindu... i know many Christians r very strict about dating within the religion but i think differently. i ask myself: is life really about just TALK? no. u can also pray about the situation and be really, really, really patient. i also think it's not wrong to date outside ur religion no matter how strong, because of PRAYER. it can change situations, right? if things really improve, for example, the person ur dating starts going to church, i would c it as a sign, and rest my case. know what i mean?

    ♥ and prayers

    I think it's important to have a guy with the same opinions and standards that you have.

    If you believe God wants you to go to church every Sunday, obey!

    but things are different for every person in their relationship with God.


    pray about dating. because again, things are different for everyone!

    there is also courting, whch is a wise decision. you might want to check out the book 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye'

    but again, there's nothing wrong with dating. It's just a personal choice between you and God.
    As a christian woman - what do you think Jesus values the most in people?

    Their loving and righteous hearts - or the act of going to church each sunday?

    Do you know how many people in your parish go for the sake of it, and then do bad deeds without a thought afterwards?

    It is the act of LIVING and trying your hardest to do the right thing each day. The whole of the world is a church - as long as you are close to Jesus in your heart. Deep within you know, that what I just told you is completely true. If not, then pray about it.

    I think you should not judge others - leave that judgement for Jesus to make. He is the one who knows the situation a lot better than all of us. He knows when we are tired or any other thing we feel.

    Even if this man is less of a believer than you are. Do not stop dating him because of that!

    Open your heart woman
    The bible warns us about being yoked with unbelievers. If you think that his sporadic attendance means he is not a believer then you shouldn't be with him, but if you think he does believe then I see nothing wrong with dating him.

    It seems to me the big thing here isn't really about right and wrong, you said you wanted someone as dedicated as you are, and if that means to you that he should attend church every Sunday then I would advise you to stick by your principles. Personally, I know more true believers who don't attend every single Sunday so I would have no problem dating a girl who didn't attend every Sunday as long as I thought she was really dedicated to God.

    Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?

    Earlier in the day,my boyfriend texted me yesterday and he said that a girl that is close to his grandma said that I cheated on him,he said she thinks she is hating.I dont know this girl,and she keeps buggin him about it,and its getting to his head.

    Later on on the middle of the night last night he called me because he said something was bothering him and it on his mind.What happened was that the same girl and him were in the room,and they were getting ready for a party earlier that day, she asked if he can put lotion on her.He admitted,it was just her legs.So then he leaves,and then this girl strips naked and goes in the room and kisses him.He said he didn't do anything,and i want to believe him and said he was call me later today to talk more about this,i couldnt handle the thought yesterday.We are both saved christians,WE DONT HAVE SEX,and we know thats till marriage,and I want to handle this the right way without buggin out,but I dont know how.Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?
    He made a big mistake putting lotion on her legs. Remember in the Old Testament, Joseph fled from Potiphar's wife. I don't think you can trust him. I'd give him his walking papers if he can't convince you that it was a one-time lapse in judgement, apologize and promise to never be in the same room alone with her again. Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?
    Calm down. If your boyfriend is worthy of your trust, then accept his explanation. If you don't trust him, dump him.

    It sounds to me like one of two things happened here:

    1. Jealous girl tries to con boy into sleeping with her. When he refuses her advances, she spreads rumors about his girlfriend.

    2. Boy cheats on girlfriend and lies about it.

    You must decide which one is more likely, based on what you know about your boyfriend.
    Pray for wisdom and powers of discernment. You bf was tempted but he says nothing else happened. Even Jesus Christ was tempted! No one is immune from temptation. Give this matter lots of prayer, lots of thought, and some time.

    You shouldn't dump your boyfriend too hastily.
    This is not God's plan for you. My advice? Say Goodbye...

    Good for you and youcommitmentnt to stay pure. This situation would be much more difficult to handle had you had an intimate relationship with him.

    This must be so upsetting for you. Without knowing him, it's hard to make a firm judgment call, but I gotta say, it doesn't sound good.

    If I were you, I would see if he were willing to have nothing more to do with this girl. The Bible tells us to flee when this kind of thing happens.

    If he insists that he should still be her friend or even continue to talk her etc.. I would move on. Also, if you would find out that he lied to you and something happened between them, still move on. Temptation will always be a part of a person's life. You don't want to make a lifetime commitmentnt to someone who is going to break your heart over and over.

    It's also possible that in case he gets caught, he's got the ';but I thought you had cheated on me, and that's why I did it';.

    General dating advice for a christian guy not looking to ';get some';?

    i am a 16 yr old christian guy. I am not looking for just some old ';fling'; i want a real relationship, but unfortunately i am not fluent in speaking to all.

    any advice on how to get a fellow christian girlfriend would be nice.

    also, if you are a christian girl, what do you look for in a guy, not like height and eye color, but things that can be altered plz. the more things you like the better,General dating advice for a christian guy not looking to ';get some';?

    Sorry, but big turn off for me and most girls. IF you wnat to find someone christian who will respect your religion, try your church ;).

    xGeneral dating advice for a christian guy not looking to ';get some';?
    Personality is definately the most important thing : humour, intelligence, kindness, decency ect

    and taste in music very important too
    idk meet a girl at church?

    but fyi she doesnt have to be christian to have self respect if u catch my drift
    The key to being attractive/funny is to take everything literally and sarcastically. If she asks you ';what's up';, you should look up and say ';the ceiling';. If she says ';that guy is really hot';, you should respond with ';really? he looks room temperature to me'; ... and so on. Trust me, it works, and she'll think you're really weird/interesting. Oh, and if you see her eating only purple skittles, look at her and say ';Hmm... I see you only have one preference... you know who else had only ONE preference? ..hitler'; ... Dude it works, seriously, if you keep it up. If you say a few random weird lines here and there, it won't work because the weirdness isn't ingrained in your personality. But if you constantly come up with these funny lines and take everything literally and think OUTSIDE the box, then you will make yourself more attractive to girls.

    Dating advice for a christian?

    I live in a very Jewish community and am a christian. My high school is 60-80% Jewish. I'm not a racist but many of the parents of kids in my school are however there kids tend not to be as i have many Jewish friends despite their parents getting upset that they are soliciting with god forbid a christian. So I was wondering if i should hold out on dating till college so that i won't have any problem with racist parents, religious fights etc. or if I should ignore the parents and just date. I don't believe in sex before marriage kissing or even hugging till college so it would be more like a friendship with a girl vs the common idea of dating. any advice?Dating advice for a christian?
    Looks like you have made up your mind.

    It is good to see that there are still young people out there who don't believe in sex before marriage.

    If you are just looking for friendship and there aren't really that many Christians where you live, you can always try online dating.

    Here are some useful tips and advice about Christian DatingDating advice for a christian?
    First of all being a christian I believe it's very important to pray and ask God to send you the helpmate that he has prepared for you. I am so glad that you have set your standards as to waiting for your spouse. Don't go out looking for someone rather wait on God to reveal to you who it is that was made for you. One thing my husband did was he wrote out a list of some qualities that he wanted in a wife...and I fit most of the profile...anyways thats my advice...Pray about it...

    Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?

    I am American, Christian, and my gf is a Korean Buddhist. She seems to get offended whenever I ask her about her religion, which is pretty strange to me, because I don't mind talking about my religion. Any advice?Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?
    you need to give it up, two religion marriages, and I know you are just dating, end up in divorce at a much higher rate than same religion marriages, marriage is hard enough, besides the Bible says you should not be unequally yoked, how can two people move forward together in life if you are in separate religions, or for that matter, separate goals, visions, desires, what will the children study and believe, if you like Korean girls find a Christian one, there are plenty out there

    the Scripture you quoted is referring to when a person becomes a Believer AFTER they are already married not one who knowingly gets married to an unbeliever

    I love it when people say Christians are so intolerant, aren't you being intolerant yourself? if you were truly ';tolerant'; you would not care what Christians say, you would tolerate whatever anyone said, whether it be Muslim saying Islam is the only way, or someone who says there are many ways, your response would be well, you can certainly believe that if you wish, so stop being intolerant to the ';intolerant';Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?
    Advice? Convert.
    How about leaving religion out of you're relationship because it will one day destroy you're relationship.

    P.S. good luck with your girlfriend.
    learn every thing you can about Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism is not like your religion at all so don't treat it like it is.. If you want to know what she stands for, you have to do the research.
    There is a book by Jack Kornfield and Marcus Borg, where quotes from Jesus and The Buddha are placed side by side. It might surprise you how very similar these two wise individuals were.

    For some people, religion/faith is a very private matter. Perhaps over time she will feel comfortable sharing more, especially if she sees that you respect her faith (which I sense you do).

    All the best.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    If you want to follow the Bible on this matter, you should remember that the Bible says that we should not be unequally yoked. That means that we should not get involved with a non-Christian.

    So, the ';in your face'; question is, what is more important, obeying God or keeping this gf?

    How would you raise kids if you got married? How would you be able to share your faith with her? It is a very satisfying thing to have a godly spouse. It is also very disconcerting to have to live your faith out alone while a spouse lives her separately.
    Don't date her unless she becomes a Christian. The Bible tells us not to be unevenly yoked. This is because it can lead to a terrible relationship.
    Google the religion or to go about it. You can get a ton of knowledge about stuff that way. READ SOMETHING so you don't offend her further and you can hold an inteligent conversation about this stuff. Also, you can't just ignore it because if you ever have kids you need to decide which religion they will be following (or if you will raise them in one). These are important topics that should be addressed, but don't press the topic. Talk about it when it seems natural to.
    it willbe hard God never wants us to be with someone who doesn't believe in him because we should be with some one whom shares our love for christ, we are supposed to be a union with God and when you have difrent beliefs it only makes things harder
    Maybe it's not religion at all, maybe her culture doesn't talk about stuff like that. Many cultures find Americans too ';in your face';, so take it down a notch.
    to many people their religion is a very personell thing.

    simply respect that many people that follow a religion that is not of the big 3 find that when people ask about their religion they are often looking for ammo to use against it, thus we learn to be very quiet.
    Make sure to let her know that you want to openly discuss your religions and that you won't try to offend her when she talks about hers Tell her that you're just truly interested. But be sincere.

    Then if she opens up, listen to what she has to say.
    There is release from sufferring.

    (Buddhism is not a religion so much as a spiritual practice).
    Learn more about her religion, without bringing up yours. Find out why she takes offense, and then see if it's something that you can live with.
    mr American, it is quite possible that your gf must have suffered some bad experience regarging her own religion which might stop her from speaking anything about her religion, hence i think you should respect her feeling as you love her very much and you make her sure that you are not the one who is going to make fun of it or even go on gossiping, you puerly love her even whatever is the matter about
    Wow. So many Christians advising you to either convert her to to break up with her. Christian xenophobia in action.

    Perhaps you should try accepting the fact that she has a different religion than you and leave it at that. You may not even be aware of it (I know a couple of Christian buddies who aren't), but when you talk about your religion you may be coming off as being preachy or pushy. If this is the case, then it is no wonder she will not discuss her faith with you. She doesn't want you arguing with her over something that is probably a very important part of her private life.

    Learn about her faith. If you really want to make this relationship work...whether long-term or need to be more aware of her background and perspective. Regardless of the concieted claim that the Chirstian faith is the only ';True'; one, you will never really get close to her if you don't make some effort to understand her frame of reference.

    If you are unwilling or unable to do even that, then you really are better off calling it quits: Your faith will inevitably try to muscle in on hers. That's just the way Christianity is.
    There is a chance she might feel you are trying to convert her into a Christian from the way you speak. Or she wants to respect your religion, but is afraid when she start to speak religion there might be conflict.
    I don't see how you could have a good relationship without agreement on religion. The ones that say leave religion out of it are not realistic. If she won't visit your church, you need another girlfriend.

    Would it be okay if your children wanted to be Buddhist?
    Listen really hard to what her religion has to say.

    It's more useful than yours.
    Stop asking her then, maybe she thinks your judging her.

    Christains can be tough that way..Let her be if she doens't want to talk about it..
    She probably figures you are going to be disrespectful of her religion and try to convert her. If she doesn't want to talk about it, respect that and don't pressure her.
    Wow. Some very good and sensitive answers so far, as well as some pretty frightening and intolerant stuff.

    Keep a kind heart and be compassionate. The comment about this perhaps being more a cultural difference than a spiritual one is very insightful. Many Asian cultures (not all) are much more reserved. Also understand that Buddhism is, as has been stated by another answerer, a spiritual practice and NOT a theistic religion. Buddhism is very compassionate and non-judgmental whereas Christianity (deservedly or not) is seen by many people to be very intolerant and judgmental. Just as there are differences between various Christian churches there are subtle differences among various Buddhist schools and traditions . . . but the basics are the same and can be gleaned from Wikipedia or other web sites. If you're serious, invest a few bucks in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buddhism by Gary Gach. And to try to harmonize your faith with her spirituality, you might read ';Jesus and Buddha as Brothers'; by Vietnamese Buddhist Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh.

    Talk less, listen more. Be patient. Be compassionate.

    Blessings to both of you.
    ';Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness.'; 2 Cor 6:14

    This means marriage also

    Just another sinner

    Christian college websites about dating and courtship, articles and advice?

    What are some websites similar to college websites about dating and courtship, articles and advice?
    Well I'm not too keen on the websites but there is a fascinating book that I just finished reading called ';I kissed dating goodbye'; written by Joshua Harris. You absoloutely have to read it!... It addresses nearly everything, and he backs it up with scripture.

    I guess you could google him and look up his page.
  • puffy eye cream
  • I am a Christian man dating a stripper coz I want to help her change. But its getting complicated. Any advice?

    I'm dating this stripper coz the Bible teaches us to love thy neighbor. But it hurts to see her in the strip club and then she goes off with different men into the vip room. They also text her at odds hours of the night and she leaves. She is on drugs and I think she even works as an escort on the side. She is slowly luring me into her word of sin. How can I convert her back to the way of Christ?I am a Christian man dating a stripper coz I want to help her change. But its getting complicated. Any advice?
    Hey man I know how you feel. I've dated someone for 3+ years hoping she would come to Christ but never did. I learned that I cannot bring her to Christ. That's only in God's power and not yours. The Bible says all we can do is plant the seed. It's hard but you're going to have to let her go especially if your starting to get sucked into her world. You just become a hypocrite to your faith then and that shows nothing of Christ. I'll be praying for you and your situation.I am a Christian man dating a stripper coz I want to help her change. But its getting complicated. Any advice?
    No one can control others or tell ppl what to do. Most kids rebel when their parents are strict and give them exact rules to live by.

    Yes, love thy neighbor, but love them for who they are. Trying to change someone is not an act of love and makes it obvious that you do not like them the way they are.

    she needs to change on her own when she is ready.

    Don't date her.

    If you want to help her, tell her that you don't want her over when she is on a drugs, or to leave and meet up with customers when she is hanging out with you.
    Back to the way of Christ? How do you know she was ever walking with Christ? Maybe she just doesn't want it. That song by Three-Six Mafia, ';Don't Save Her';.......She don't wanna be saved brother.

    Some dating advice please, Christian perspective appreciated...?

    Sorry about the length in advance, but please read and respond....

    Not sure where to start, so i guess I'll start from the beginning. I am dating this girl who is two years younger than me, we met at church and went to the same highschool. She'll be a junior and I'll be a college freshman this year. We've been dating for 3.5 months now, and everything seems to be going great. We are very open and honest with each other and have set physical boundaries for dating and are both pretty solid in our faith. So from the surface everything appears all great.

    However, kinda deep down I feel like I shouldn't be dating her, I don't really know how to explain it. When I'm around her I feel so amazing, and can just be myself. I've been told by her and others i'm a great bf to her (not bragging, i don't think i am, but it's what i've been told). I open the car door for her, hold her hand when we walk, embrace her when she's sad, don't let her pay for ANYTHING when we are together, tell her she's beautiful, etc.. To me, I feel like I'm doing a good job displaying agape, or selfless love like God calls us to do. But when I'm not around her, something inside me says I shouldn't be dating her. I've prayed about it, pleaded with God for some explanation or reason or for the feeling to go away, but nothing seems to change. I told her I loved her a week or so ago, because when I'm around her I honestly feel I love her, but now I'm questioning whether or not it's true love. I can't tell if it's the devil trying to tear us apart, or if God is trying to say something to me. It's really starting to get me down :(

    Advice? Any help please...I really need itSome dating advice please, Christian perspective appreciated...?
    God does have a still small voice. Sometimes you gotta stop what you're doing, be still, and listen. But usually when you get that ';feeling'; that you're talking about, it could be Him talking to your spirit, telling you that you guys shouldnt be together. You may not know why, but God's thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8). And He knows SO MUCH more than we do. He sees it all. And it's best to obey Him before we find out the reason why!Some dating advice please, Christian perspective appreciated...?
    Don't go anything irrational.

    Honestly I think it god trying to tell you this isn't the person

    he has made for you...

    because when it's a deep feeling in your heart,i've noticed that was god speaking to me.

    just remember: mind body and soul.

    mind: is what you usually think about an issue

    body: is what the devil's trying to persuaded you to feel

    soul: what god's telling you
    I'm sure that you already know that you should go to God with it in prayer. It might be that God is weighing it on your heart that you or her, or both, aren't ready for a serious relationship yet. Have you questioned yourself, as to why it is you think the two of you might not be suited for each other, or why your having those inclinations in the first place. Do you have issues with trusting her. Is there anything you suspect about her that makes you question your relationship with her.

    I think the best thing to do at your age really, is to be a good friend to her and concentrate on your next five years, in terms of who your going to be careerwise and your schooling, and if it's meant to be, you'll end up with her.

    Single mom, Christian. Dating. Not sure if scripture is realistic and I'm feeling frustrated. Christian advice?

    I'm 31 years old and a single mom to a little boy. I've been single for over a year and a half now ever since my sons father left me and is dating a 20 year old. I'm feeling lonely and sexually frustrated now. I'm interested in dating someone who's recently asked me to coffee but I know that scriptually it would be wrong for me to date someone and then have sex with them without being married. I'm wondering how realistic this is considering my age and the fact that I'm already a mother. I want to be obedient to God and follow the right path but I'm feeling lonely and companionship would be nice. This man is an old friend. The divorced father of 2 children. He's not a Christian. He's agnostic.

    I'm envious of and depressed by my ex who has long-since moved on and is on his third young chick, in a relationship now. I'm starting to feel like time is running out for me. What if I want more children?

    Am I doomed to be celebate just because my ex left me and now I have to date and not have sex? Advice???Single mom, Christian. Dating. Not sure if scripture is realistic and I'm feeling frustrated. Christian advice?
    Wow. This is a pretty rough neighborhood to be admitting such vulnerability. The FIRST thing you need to know is that yes, scripture is realistic, and God knows your frustration. You are not ';doomed'; to anything.

    Things may seem pretty satisfying from your ex's perspective at the moment, but can't you see that he is just living for the moment and NOT doing what God wants? One detail left out of your story is whether or not your ';ex'; ever claimed to be Christian.

    Don't think you're the only one who's ever been jilted like this; unfortunately, it's becoming the ';norm'; in our postmodern society.

    Since I'm 51 and chronologically capable of being your father or an older brother, that's how I'm going to address you. If you have a desire to follow Christ, and it certainly sounds like you do, then you are wasting your time dating anyone who does NOT share your convictions. In fact, the Bible warns us NOT to be unequally yoked with unbelievers:

    2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

    My advice to you is to seek the Lord with all your heart; God knows your heart's desires and will see to them. Here are a few scriptures for you; when the disciples saw that other men in the community had wives, vineyards, possessions, earthly blessings...They asked Jesus what was in store for them? This is Jesus reply:

    Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    This is because you're not over your ex:

    Rom 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

    This is because you HAVE NO IDEA how happy God wants you to be:

    Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

    I have a very dear Christian friend who, several years ago, his wife left him for a millionaire...He still loved her, but she was gone...He got over his heartache and eventually remarried, very happily, a fine Christian woman. Years after his divorce, he got a phone call from his exwife. Her millionaire husband got cancer of the rectum, divorced HER and spent his final days with his mother; to whom he left everything.

    He used this one conversation with her to witness to her. For it is written:

    Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    I doubt you can see this at this moment, and it's certainly OK to cry, but God has a better plan for you...This is on my mother's tombstone:

    Heb 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

    While you're at it, read the whole chapter of Hebrews 11 and get back to me.

    Yours in Christ,

    John the Baptist

    PS Possibly, one of the reasons God allows us to go through hard times, is that once we're done dealing with that pain, and can see how God carries us through it, we are in a better position to understand others who have similar pain. I have been hurt in ways I'm not willing to post on a public forum.Single mom, Christian. Dating. Not sure if scripture is realistic and I'm feeling frustrated. Christian advice?
    Call a nearby Catholic Priest, speak to him about your situation, He will guide you on the right path. God bless!

    ';But I say to you, any man who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.'; Matthew 5:32
    First you need to forgive your husband and move on

    Only date this other guy if you see him as a potential know from unfortunate expirience what it is like to marry someone who doesnt match up with him

    But the fact that he isnt a Christian is an issue...not saying you can't marry him just saying that it will be much harder to raise your kids in hte Faith if your husband isnt supportive of you
    Well, you kind of answered your own question. You said you were just looking for some companionship. That's basically just friendship; and in the Bible there is nothing that says, ';Thou shalt not be friends with people who aren't Christians.'; Christ encourages us to love and be friends with everyone, no matter their religious beliefs. So if you're looking for just a buddy for now, then yes, go for chilling for this guy for some coffee.
    the reason why god doesnt want you to have sex when not married is because it's dangerous it could leave you in the ';sex buddy'; zone and you can end up w/a std also a relationship w/out god always fails.
    Unfortunately as a Christian, you may not ever have sex again without risking eternal torment. Good luck with your celibacy!
    Simple: If your god will deny you happiness for such a petty reason do you actually want to be worshipping him?

    Besides didn't christ die so you could do this....
    It's best to form a stable relationship first...
    As expected you are being encouraged, by people on this forum and by satan, to sin to satisfy your flesh.

    Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Find you a good church with a singles group. Through this you can find friends and people to share your thought and feelings with that will encourage you. Who knows, your next husband could there wanting to find you!

    Where would your ex spend eternity if he died tonight? Hell is an awful place. Sex between unmarried people is fornication and it is a sin.
    This is a great question, and this is something that many people struggle with. The first thing that I would like to address is that God's word is realistic, and what He has commanded us to do, He has also enabled us to do it through Jesus Christ. We can't do it on our own strength, but as we trust in the Lord and submit to Him, we can walk out His will in our lives.

    The first thing that I would say to do is to focus on the Lord, spend time with Him. When you are tempted take it to the Lord in prayer every time, read God's word, and put all of these things in the Lord's hands.

    One of the reason's I say to read God's word is because as we spend time with the Lord and in His word, He corrects us, renews our mind, and builds our faith. If we can see sin the way that it truly is, it is not as appealing to us. Sin has a form of pleasure, but it doesn't last, and it always takes away. As you yield yourself to sin, you become sin's servant, and you are bound by it, and sin when it is finished works death. ( James 1:15 ) If you have accepted Jesus Christ, then He has made us free from sin, so that we don't have to obey sin anymore, but we can yield ourselves to obey the Lord. What God has commanded us to do He has also enabled us to obey Him through our Lord Jesus Christ, we have to choose to yield ourselves to Him, and to follow Him.

    This is one of the precious promises from God, that I have stood on many times.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    Look at how this starts out. The temptations that we face are common, many people face these same temptations, but God is Faithful, and He will not allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear; but He will with the temptation also make a way to escape, so that we will be able to bear it. This is a promise, to us that believe. Jesus Christ is the Way, and we have to seek Him, to surrender to Him and be obedient.

    When we are tried, God has made the way for us to escape, we just have to look to Him, and obey. We can't do it on our own strength, but God has provided the way through Jesus Christ.

    I would like to share some verses about fornication with you, it helps us to see what God's word has to say about this. Sometimes we try to wrestle things within ourselves and try to justify what we do, but we have to have an open heart to the Lord and allow Him to correct us when we are wrong. God corrects us because He loves us, and it is for our good if we will obey Him.

    1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

    19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

    If we belong to Christ, then we are not our own, we are bought with a price, God's word says for us to glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are God's. Our bodies were not made for fornication, but for the Lord ( 1 Corinthians 6:13 ) So should we take that which belongs to God and join it to something that is unholy, and yield ourselves to serve sin ?

    Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

    13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

    We should submit even our bodies unto God as a living sacrifice:

    Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

    2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    God has called us to be holy, because He is Holy. Holy means to be set apart, consecrated to the Lord. ( 1 Peter 1:16 )

    1 Thessalonians 4:2 For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.

    3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:

    4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;

    Ephesians 5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;

    4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

    5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

    Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

    18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

    19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

    23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

    24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

    25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

    Notice that God's word says that if we walk in the Spirit we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh, so let us keep our focus on the Lord, surrendering to Him, and being obedient to His voice. I appreciate you asking this question, my hearts desire is that everyone will obey the Lord.

    God has made the way for us to be forgiven through Jesus Christ, and He has also enabled us to obey Him, though Jesus Christ our Lord, so that we are without excuse. I hope that all that reads this choose life in Jesus Christ.

    Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

    with much love and sincerity in Christ,

    Look, I'm not Christian and I'm certainly not old enough to know or understand quite how you feel but this has always brought me comfort and I hope it does the same for you.

    “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

    Only believe what's in your heart. If you are honest and true to yourself I'm sure your god will understand. Happiness is only possible because he intended it to be. Should you waste his creation for the sake of the words of man?
    Your emotions are telling you one thing, but the Bible is telling you something different. You have to trust in God and not get yoked with an unbeliever. Sin has a paycheck that you don't want to cash.

    I know some women from church who are or have been in your situation. Some have a story of how they gave in to their feelings and got burned or worse yet got married to someone whom now they wish they had never met.

    Others have a story of how they were able to persevere in faith and how even though there were tough times God was faithful to meet them at the point of their needs after they had gone through a period of testing.

    If I were you I would get involved with a women's group at church where you can share your intimate feelings with other Christian women, get support and prayer from them, and who but God knows, maybe meet a godly Christian man that one of them knows who is looking for a Christian wife.

    It sounds like your ex is on the broadway to destruction. You don't want to join him on that path to enjoy the passing and deceitful pleasures of sin for a short season.
    1. you are not over your ex

    2. you are not ready to date

    3. you should seek healing from the Lord

    4. the male friend who is agnostic is a red flag!

    my advice to you is to allow God to woo you, and the sexually frustration that you are having is normal we all go through that, but you can over come it get into the word and read what the word says about temptation! If you fall and have sex, this allows the enemy to come in strong and the temptation gets stronger, hold on the God's unchanging hand!
    I'm not christian but I'd like to answer... I expect plenty of thumbs-down but anyway.

    I understand you may not want to have sex without being married. You mentioned being frustrated... what about masturbation? Or is that not an option for you either? (I date, and don't have sex; I don't feel doomed... just takes some willpower I guess.)

    I personally think you have to do what makes you happy and what feels right. I think if you want to have sex you should. Of course like I said I'm not christian... but I used to be. This is something you will have to figure out on your own, probably between you and your god. For example, you may be comfortable having sex in a long-term, committed relationship.

    Don't assume that at your age you won't be able to find a man that has the same ideals as you (as far as no sex w/o marriage, etc.)

    And also please don't feel like you are ';running out of time'; for anything... it will just make you feel bad, plus it might cause you to make hasty decisions. Try to let things happen naturally and accept them.

    I think you should go out with the guy, he sounds nice... if you can be open-minded about him being agnostic, which it sounds like you are. Nothing wrong with companionship/friends.

    I am not sure but you may still be stuck on your ex somewhat, which would be understandable. Finding hobbies etc. will help with that, companionship with another person may not necessarily help.

    edit: I don't think my advice is all that bad; of course I am getting thumbs-down because I didn't say, ';Pray to god about it';... I accept the fact that you believe in a god, not sure why that isn't enough for some people.
    Here is one way to look at it, as there are several, but all lead to the same answer, which, in your heart, you already know, but your looking for a cop out!!!

    You need to get into The Word! Make Jesus your friend, and lover. He is the one that will never leave, or forsake you! Put your trust in Him, He KNOWS what your going through, this is just a test to see if you would really obey, so God can give you the excellent one.

    Part of your issue is by your own writing. Your envious? Where does that fit into forgiveness? God hates divorce, why is he on #3? He can't find what you had, and gave him. Your not doomed, your just not looking at this from Gods' perspective. Oh, poor , pitiful me!!! The reason he does what he's doing, is because your moping around. You can, and need to get on with your life, but you don't need another man in your life til your right with Christ. Bottom line. Agnostic, why not just lay down in front of a Mack truck? stop paying attention to the ex, and Read, and study your ';human'; owners manuel. There is no question you can ask, that the answer is not there. Pray, pray blessings on your ex, forgive him, and you have to mean it from the heart, if it's not, God WILL know! Then just wait on The Lord. Patience is a virtue, young one. Been there done that. Wait upon The Lord!
    No one said the Christian life was easy. Jesus did say that if you turn to Him He will alleviate your loneliness and He will give you the strength and understanding to wait for sex till marriage. All God's commands are ultimately for our good and when we don't follow them we suffer much worse. Dating an agnostic is not a good idea. That's against God's instructions to not be unequally yoked. I would put dating on the back burner and work on your relationship with Jesus Christ.
    My advice is to control your sex drive by masturbating until you find another suitable partner. Sex will only keep men from committing to you and will lead to them dumping you if you stop giving it to them. The only way for a woman to test a mans true love for them is to be celibate with them until they ask you to marry them and actually go through with it. If you do decide to have sex with every man you date don't blame God for all the heartaches to follow.

    I too am a single mom, and I am 35, five year old daughter and never been married. I have been single now for 3 years and I also am wanting to be obedient to God, but casual sex is not fulfilling and can actually make you feel more alone and confused... I say this because I have done this, and brought home a man I never should have let in my house, and afterwards I felt a bit dirty and ashamed. WHy? well because when we decide that God is who we want to follow and God is who matters the most we begin to see sin for know what i mean? before we were blind, and something that was okay then and accepted by society as okay is brought into the light where we see it now for what it truly is...

    I hope you stay strong, and remember God has someone special just for you that he is preparing you for and though it's tough and lonely be patient because your reward will be great..

    That's what i believe. Good luck
    how happy can you be if you give in and then it doesn't work out with this guy?

    if you are saved and a christian ask God for help and strength,

    just because your ex is running through a lot of women doesn't mean that he is doing well.

    I can't tell you anything other than the truth and that is God made the rules for a reason,

    it's up to you to follow them.

    there is someone for you if you just wait on God to lead you to him.

    I had to tell my daughters when they were younger that if a guy leaves because you wont have sex then he wasn't worth your time in the first place because obviously he only looked at you for one thing,

    don't you want a deeper relationship than that?
    You may not have sex ever again unless you want to burn in eternal hell.