Sunday, December 20, 2009

What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?

I'm 23 years old and I've never had a bf or dated before. I'm heavily into studies at the moment, and with my Christian faith, I know that I need to be patient and start waiting on God to allow things to happen naturally. How do you be patient in these circumstances? Sometimes I feel unwanted or that something must be wrong with me. I don't have time to date because I'm in graduate school and I'm also studying to get into medical school. Sometimes it saddens me that I have all of these goals that perhaps are pushing guys away from me.... How do I remain patient?What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?
All that is wrong with you is that you are unavailable due to

your work load. In similar circumstances, I have heard of many couples getting married and the pull to achieve by one causes

the two to grow at different rates. Eventually they grow apart.

You are saving yourself the emotional roller coaster of an early

marriage that conflicts with your career goals. When you have

time for mating, it will happen naturally - unless you are too

up tight by then.What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated? (repost)?
Keep being patient, hon, because the best guys are the ones worth waiting for -- and especially if you're going into med school-- you're going to need to stay focused. Then, you will meet a fantastically brilliant fellow med student, and that's who you'll probably marry and have a wonderful life with.

There's nothing wrong with you at all.
It is very good that you are into your studies, but you do need to start interacting with guys. God is not ganna make a beautiful man come to your door the moment you graduate. you have to go out there and find him your self. If you like to remain patient, really ask your self how important your studies are to you. Is this the road you really want to take?? Don't be too hard on your self and live your life. You are only young and 23 once in a life time.
My prediction for your life:-

1.. You will continue on as you have always done, repressing your desires

2.. One night you will get drunk, stoned, laid and tattooed

3.. You will then spend the next years agonizing over this night and not actually learn anything from it. It will just have the effect of somehow reinforcing all the repression.
You should stop depending on ';when god allow things to happen';. I think it would be good for you to take control of your life, focus on school yes.....however that has nothing to do with being single or being unwanted or unable to date.

There's time for everything, forget about what god wants, and find time for friends and for dating etc.
it's not that bad, don't be patient i myself am a fallen catholic, i believe that if you want somethiong dont wait on god to give it to you, because if there is a god he likes seing us sad. if you want it go get it, don't be sleezy or slutty just go somewhere where you feel comforatable and casually approach a guy that you like,
After your studies are over you will have more time for romance. I think in medical school you will meet someone also becoming a Dr. and the two of you will hit it off. It is coming on down the line a little further. Remember there are guys in the same spot you are. Thinking exactly like you are. They are asking themselves when will I ever have time for dating. You will get together some day.
God helps those who help themselves. Maybe you should join some groups where men will have some sort of common interest with you like a church group or a study group. Or if you attend church start talking to some people after the service. Maybe you will meet someone that way. As you seem so dedicated to your faith(nothing wrong with that) try to find someone who shares your beliefs as it is really hard when they don't.
Don't listen to any of these people. I would suggest a christian dating site or just finding someone at church. There are not very many devout christians around your age so they are pretty hard to come by. I dont know the name of a christian dating site, but im sure there are some. If not, e-harmony could probably match you up with someone of the same faith and values. Good luck girlie :)
Pray as far as patience.

Get your head in your studies and also get yourself in physical shape.

You CAN date, but make sure that the guy is into you and you share similar VALUES. Make your education and career your priority. People really shouldn't get married until age 30 because then you've matured and have your education completed with your career started.

Don't worry. There is no lack of men. I wouldn't recommend waiting past 32. If you want children, you'll want to think about the health and age in regard to your eggs.

I wish you all the best! Huge hugs!

KitKat : )
It's hard but it's the path you have chosen. I also went to graduate school and it is very difficult to have a 'significant other'. Once you are out of school and live in the real world, things get much easier. I wish someone had told me this back then because in my student days, I was also a dateless wonder.

Don't worry. Just keep putting God first and He'll send someone for you at His time. He probably knows that if He sends a guy your way right now that it will take your attention off of your goals. Just try to be patient and pray about it. Good luck!
you dont need to be patient just try it out because if you never try and just wait for a guy to come along you will never know if he is the right one for you. Date a guy a two so you make sure that you get a man that is good for you.
you are still so young! it is better to wait for the right one then to rush into something that might not be right for you in 10 years... if you are feeling impatient though you could try going on Christian dating sites and chats. There you will find people who have the same goals and values as you. You sound like you have so many things going for you... dont worry about a guy right now!
That's not going to put any (decent) guy off. Its not an issue. Kelly Copeland was talking about waiting for your ';assigned'; partner. There are so many awful men. Why dont you tell God that you are ready now, it will happen.
...prayer, luv. Connecting with the right church can be important.

Staying away from bad influences can also help. Movies and tv can influence any Christian into losing focus on what the Lord has for us to do.
your love for Jesus is so pure you should remain chaste instead of debasing yourself with men who will engage in sex which is inherently dirty and sinful.
It is God's timetable, not mankinds. Be grateful and patient.
if guys only knew you were a virgin than they would be all over you unless you are like really ugly or fat.
Start wearing a purity ring; you'll have to beat them off ... with a stick.

Good God. Get a life, girl. Mr. Right isn't going to walk into your dorm room and propose. Doctors need love too.
Is there something wrong with you? Yes. Your blind faith and Patience has given you a dull loveless life. Things happen to people who make them happen. Get out there and start communicating with people (guys). Do not bring up the subject of religion. What a turn off. Get your nose out of those books for a while and go outside and sit in the sun and contemplate what your life is going to be like in the future if you keep going down this path your on. Can you not see that you have been blindly disregarding life all around you, for the sake of following some religion ? You are wasting your life on your god.

Forget being patient......go out and grab life by the horns.
If you have a goal in life, and that goal is most important to you, imagine the results of that every time your thoughts lead you astray from your work. There is perhaps no way to remain patient, but there is a way to keep yourself focused. It's advice I could stand to take myself.

More to the point, though, you can't rely on God to give you everything. That's just not how life works. If that future you envision has that special someone in it, then seek him out. Get involved with things and find people who resonate with you. If you don't have time to do that, then again, it's a matter of priorities and staying focused.
I would say pray about it. I guess you understand to be patient, and god will provide. By the sounds of it, you sound a little anxious, or lonely. If you would consider to start dating, just pray about it. A little prayer can go a long ways. It is not a sin to ask for a companion. God's always listening. And, you sound like u have a very busy lifestyle, good job on the studies. If you want to, make time for yourself. Try not to work too hard. I know this sounds a little too much cause u always have to be doing something, but just take it easy and relax. I would say be patient, but saying it is not the same as doing it... Just pray about it. And you'll find someone when u least expected.

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