Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian dating advice please?

you see, theres this girl named angela who is really beautfiuland i have occasionally had dreams about kissing her. i wouuld love to kiss her becuz she is as i said very beautiful, but what i want a relationship that is true love, someone god wants meto be with. truth is, though i find myself very attracted to her, and her frends have asked me repeatedly to ki9ss her becuz she talks about me all the time, the things is i dont feel like im meant to be with her. like, i dont feel like she is a relationship that god has ordained for me. am i wrong? woul di want to kiss her and have her want to kiss me, but god does not want meto be with her? like, would go dgive me attraction to her, but not want me to be with her? whatever he wants im all for.Christian dating advice please?
Welcome to the world of a Christian teen, lol. Really, I'd say to trust your gut on this one. If you think God is telling you that being with this girl isn't a good idea, then DON'T! For the next few years- actually, you're whole life- you'll feel like doing a lot of things that God wouldn't exactly approve of, or you personally don't feel are right. Just stay strong, and head in whatever direction God is leading you. And remember, if this girl isn't the one for you, Christ has better plans [and girls] for you later on if you follow His plans!Christian dating advice please?
Always go with what God wants. When I was younger I totally handed dating over to God. I ';dated'; a few guys throughout highschool and college, but none of them ever lasted more than a month. God just kept telling me to wait. Now, though, I believe I've finally found the man God has for me, and it's like no relationship I've ever been in. If you feel God telling you to wait, don't worry about it. You'll be happy you listened in the end.
Its great that you're so fucused on what God wants. I'm assuming you're around 14-16? Teens are nothing but raging hormones. So wanting to kiss her is perfectly normal. You always have to be cautious though, because even the most innocence kiss can turn into something way more physical really quickly. Do you like her? Or are you just attracted to her? Can you see yourself being with her forever? Those are some questions you need to ask yourself.

If you're planning on waiting to find someone really special who you want to marry, then I would pursue anything with her. 99% of relationships at your age dont end well.
That's great that you are so concerned with what your Creator, Lord and, I'm guessing, Savior thinks. If you're not in the word though, you could get very misdirected. Make sure you have a good relationship with God and you set aside time for Him and His word every day. Try to develop into the man you think God and this girl would appreciate.

Don't get into a relationship with a girl if you don't have plans to marry her. If you do, it will only cause sadness and make her heart harder (do you really want that for her?). Conventional dating is only practice for divorce.

If you're not willing to marry her to get the kiss, then you don't really want it that bad.

Really pray and ask God His will. He might just want this girl to be yours. I wish you the best in this and God bless!
What is it about her that you don't think goes with the ';right'; relationship....

Maybe that can help you understand why you are attracted to her but don't feel its the right one for you.
God gave everyone hormones, it's just a fact of life that (most) people are attracted to the opposite sex. Therefore, just because you feel like you want to kiss this girl doesn't mean that God wants you to.

Why don't you feel like this is a relationship that God has ordained for you? Is it because she isn't a Christian? Really examine her, not as a potential girlfriend or kissing partner, but as a future wife and helpmeet.

Also, do you realize that kissing a girl steals something from her? Yes, unless you are her husband, snatching little pieces of a girl's purity is damaging. Would you like some guy to go around kissing your future wife? Would you like someone to steal her heart and perhaps damage her reputation? I'm glad that you're thinking twice about kissing this girl, because, no matter what our culture says, kissing is a big deal. If you're not going to follow it up with major commitment, don't start something you can't follow through on.
THis is coming from a fellow christian.....all relationships are intended by God.....he will watch over u to see if u make the right choses in the relationship....and as for the dreams and kissing.......that is up to u......god might help u with it but it is mostly ur chose
Follow your heart and go for it! It sounds like she likes you, and you like her, so don't let anything get in your way! Can you imagine what's going through that girls head right now?
Thats AWESOME that your so tuned in to what God is telling you!! You really have a gift for being patience and just listening to Him!! i really admire that!! It sounds like some good old fashion lust you have going on here... you want to kiss here, but you feel that God is telling you that you shouldnt... Temptation in its most decietful form!! Even if its confusing, or even against what YOU want to do... listening to God is ALWAYS the best choice. So i say that you should try to minimize the lust you have for her and just put all your trust in God, even thought it may be hard in this situation.

Good luck and God bless!!
wow that's awesome that you want God to lead your dating life! that's how i am :) so you know i am a guy almost 17 so around your age. God has been teaching me to count on him so i would just that- wait and see what God has for you. He is faithful :) So my advice- follow through on waiting for God to give you the person because it will be worth the wait!
God is in your heart, dude, nowhere else. Sounds to me as if he is talking to you already. If you can't deal with this, you are beyond hope. Register with a seminary school, or become a priest.

Geez, it really bothers me when people use religion as an excuse not to take responsibility for their own lives.
Maybe you ought to read about Samson in the Old Testament. Start reading in Judges, chapter 13:24. He loved women (especially Deliah), who turned him away from God. And in the end it cost him his eye sight and his life. So, we can learn a lot from Samson, in regards as to what a man should avoid.

Also you can read in the book of Proverbs about wayward women and how you can get hurt by them if you allow them to seduce you.

When you pray, talk to God about how Samson's life was troubled because he made poor choices in the women he loved and you want to make wise choices. Another scripture says ';In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths. Proverbs 3:6 So if you acknowledge the Lord in seeking a girl, and wait on him to bring the right girl into your life, you'll be well rewarded.

Read Genesis the 24th chapter, for a beautiful love story between Issac and Rebekah. Another love story is the book of Ruth.

Don't expect your God given girl friend to bring you everlasting happiness tho. I know I don't have to remind you that the devil is alive and seeking whom he may devour.... to mess up our lives. Always seek God about major decisions in your life and wait upon the Lord to go before you and direct you.

Start acting like a man. That is all...
yo cool it. go out w/ her. god wants us all to be happy. ask her out and then see how it goes.
God wants you to be happy. He has unconditional love for you, it's called Agape. Even if it wasn't what he wanted for you, he would forgive you because he loves you unconditionally. Just go for it. God really wants you to be happy
I would give it a go! You will know very quickly if she is or isn't the girl for you. You will want to see how her walk with the Lord is first and foremost. After that, see if God opens the doors or closes them. Above all pray about it!

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