Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian dating advice?

ive got a girlfriend who loves me and i really want the relationship to last a long time. if you are a Christian, please give me some advice...ThanksChristian dating advice?
Keep loving her! Remember that love is not a feeling, it's an act of your will. Even when the going gets rough, even if you doubt you love her anymore... keep going. Good luck to you two!

Some good books I recommend for every couple are the Love Language books by Gary Chapman and For Men Only %26amp; For Women Only by Jeff %26amp; Shaunti Feldhahn.

:EDIT: As for everyone who's asking why he wants advice from Christians, what's it matter to you? He obviously would like responses from a Christian viewpoint. If you wanted advice from only atheists or Jews or Muslims, that's your choice and this is his.Christian dating advice?
The best recipe for success is for your partner to be your best friend and if you are both equally yoked to God. See my blog entry about this:

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This all depends how old you are. i think it's safe to assume you're not like 10 or something ;)

Basically, it's best to keep your relationship God-centered. if you're serious about this relationship, see what the Bible has to say about relationships/ask your pastor, etc.

Only when your relationship is focused on God (as opposed to being entirely enthralled with the other person) will the relationship be able to thrive

Good luck ;D
I defnitely respect your question and I myself am a FIRM believer in christians having good, sound, sinless relationships. I can only give advice based on my personal experience and the fact that my b/f and I have been together a year and a half and decided in the beginning to abstain from sex until we are married. In the process it has been EXTREMELY difficult to resist any type of temptation but we've managed to do so up until this point.

1.Spend time in public places and minimize the amount of ALONE time you have with her.

2. If you are choosing to save sex until marriage, keep your hands to yourself as much as possible.

3. RESPECT her wishes! If she doesnt wanna do something, dont force her to do it.

4.NO KISSING!!!!!!

5. Dont rush the relationship to progress, just let it flow.

6. Treat her like the princess she is. Women like to know they are loved and appreciated.

7. Always tell her how much you love and care for her

8. Dont be afraid to express yourself to her. Relationships start becoming frustrating when a guy chooses not to express himself

9. Spoil her every now and then............if you want this relationship to last a while, it wont hurt to do do things that will be memorable.

10. HAVE FUN!!!!!!! Be humorous, laugh a little, make her laugh. Any good relationship includes laughter, fun, and excitement.

Hope this helps!
Keep being yourself and make God present in the relationship ( go to church together , hang out with other Christian friends ect.) And wherever your relationship goes from there is in God's hands, if it's His will that you two are to be together , then it will work out and everything will be fine. Just have faith :)
You should read through the Love Dare. It's a book that gets you to develop a strong relationship because it makes you realize how to love someone, even if you are having a day when you REALLY don't like that person. It helps realize what it takes to make a relationship last...because after time, it will take more than physical appearance to keep you glued together.
Give her the time she needed to spend with you. If you don't meet her often , perhaps give her the assurance she needed like texting her always, asking her how was her day. etc. Give her also some space, some privacy. She might get turned off. Just be gentle at her and take care of her.

By the way, why do you need a Christian to give you some advice?


What kind of advice? kissing, where to date her, how to talk to a little more specific.

AND...what does ';Christian'; got to do with it?

Well if she loves you then it should last a long time, but do you love her? If so then you too should do a christain couple class if they have any of those.
thats a weird thing to say. only christians can answer u? wow. i am one, but still. um. ask her to marry you? then she is stuck. there u go.
Communicate, communicate, communicate
well just be yourself and hope that evrything will go good that's really all you can do
Don't have sex, or break her heart. Try to constantly be romantic %26amp; spontaneous. Have long talks, and avoid discussing things you disagree on.

Good luck, I'm a christian too btw
be completely honest with her always, love her to death, maybe even spoil her a little, and make sure that you are both keeping god first and your junk in your pants
Be committed don't cheat. Send flowers on the date you first got together let her know you care about being with her.
....Why can only Christians give you advice ???.......
Be yourself and treat her right. If she stays, great, but in life nothing is guarenteed.
Why do people have to be Christian to give advice on dating?
what do you need advice on.? i mean theres not really a question in there
just be you

just to break up

if you have trouble at least try to work it out

that true love
love her back ....?
do the nasty to her
here's my advice,

date a jew

Sleep with her, Jesus wouldn't have given her a vagina if he didn't want you to use it!

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