Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?

Ok well first off i am a single mom who has already been divorced.. and now raising my 11 month old son.. i am christian, and was raised that way. i do believe it's good to raise your children in your religon.. but i don't want him to think any other religon is wrong, that's for him to decide when he grows up.. ok so that's a little about me.. now i am dating a guy who is mormon.. and he has no problem dating me, or kissing me, any of those things.. even eventually getting romantically involved. but my question is.. is this all ok, i mean if i ever got married to a mormon, i would never become mormon, and i wouldn't raise my son that way. how would all of that work.. i have asked him about the way things work about marrying someone who isn't mormon, and he told me, it doesn't matter what the person is, mormon or not, if you love them, then people will except that you are both different. if we ever had kids. what religon would they be. i am not against his beliefs.I am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?
You are getting some rational advice above, but, in matters of religion, esp. between a Mormon and a non-Mormon, there is nothing but hardship ahead for you both. I know of no successful Mormon and non-Mormon marriages, when both parties are deeply religious. Either you will have to convert or he will if you expect this to last.

My advice to you is to have some very frank discussions about the differences between your belief systems.

YOU need to do more research about Mormonism.

Start here:

Mormonism Summary:

Is Mormonism Christian?:鈥?/a>

Doctrinal Writings of Mormon Leaders:鈥?/a>

More details for those wanting to go deeper:鈥?/a> am a christian, dating a mormon.. i need some advice about a few things.?
He is right. If two people love one another then it should not matter. Even so love conquers all and you will work things out.

As for his Mormon family, they will get over it! Your kids can be whatever they choose to be, teaching them about Jesus Christ is all that matters.

When I married my husband he was not Mormon, he was getting baptized the following week. I do not know if i would marry him if he wasn't LDS, but it seems that your man doesn't mind!
It is very dangerous for a Christian to marry someone who has not made a heart and life commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. To be ready for marriage spiritually means, first of all, that both parties involved have accepted Christ and eagerly intend to make Christ the Head of their home. To consider marriage without the possibility of spiritual agreement is to invite argument and unhappiness into the future household.

I would not guarantee that with becoming a Christian, the whole problem of marriage and the home is automatically solved. But I do say that complete fulfillment in marriage can never be realized outside of the life of Christ. ... I would advise every couple planning to establish a home to first come to a complete agreement on their religious faith. Amos 3:3 states: ';Can two walk together, except they be agreed?';

God ordained marriage to be a ';perfect triangle';鈥擥od, you, and your spouse. The closer each marriage partner lives to God, the closer each will live to the other. Such closeness is impossible when one spouse does not have a personal relationship with God. This is the reason the Bible says we should not be unequally yoked; read 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. The apostle Paul applies this principle in the case of widows when he writes, ';But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord'; (1 Corinthians 7:39b).

Spiritual unity is a very important part of marriage鈥攁nd if it is missing, your happiness will not be complete. This is one reason why the Bible warns, ';Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?'; (2 Corinthians 6:14). I can't help but feel, however, that you are actually facing an even deeper issue鈥攁nd that is your own relationship with God. Perhaps you believe in God; you may even be a member of your church. But have you ever asked Christ to come into your life and committed yourself without reserve to Him? My prayer is that you will do so today.

Then pray for your boyfriend and ask God to bring him to Christ also. Life's greatest joy comes from walking with Christ鈥攁nd that joy is multiplied when a husband and wife walk together with Him.

One footnote, you say that it will be for your son to decide when gets older what faith is right for him. Well, faith is a personal decision that each of us has to make; but God has given you, the parent, the responsibility of teaching your child the ways of God. ';And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates'; (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). Clearly, God says parents are to see to it that children learn the Word of God in the home first and then in the church. May this be your desire as you to seek to raise your son.
Mormons are not judgemental but do hold to there faith firm I am one.

I was the same as you but on the revese side of the spectrum.

My wife was Mormon before me. For me to be with her it required mcuh change.

I had to stop drinking and smoking and all manners of unChristlike behavior to be married in the temple and to be with her before she would marry me. How can you fully trust a person if they are not obeying the commandments of God?

It was a hard change and she waited and endured much. It was worth it. We are very happy. For a relationship to sucessfull youi and your husband or partner need to be one in the same purpose. One cannot serve God and the other servce satan or have his or foot halfway in the door.

Mormon precepts are very good to live by and keep the adversary out of your life. If his family does not accept or help you then they are not being Christians. But I highly doubt that will be then case unless you do things that are very compromising to a relationship or family. They want you to learn and know the truth thats it.

Have you read the book of Mormon%26gt;?

Do you seek truth?

It is a promise in the book of Mormon that he who reads fully and asks in the name of Christ if the church and book are true that God will manifest the truth to the reader through the power of the holy ghost.

Once you know that it will set you two on the same path.
If you are really a christian then you know that divorce does not exist.So your relation with another man is fornication and adultery so you are damned.

If you decided to get a divorce then you are not acting like a christian. But you still claim that you are to question your relation with a mormon. So either religion is important for you or it is not. Either you are confused or you are hypocritical. That's a familiar pattern with christians that have a ';cafeteria'; approach to religion. They take what they want and ignore the rest.

Mays I suggest you drop religion all together and just enjoy a normal life ?
Wow, where to start... well first of all lip service Christianity is the same as no Christianity. Judging by what you wrote it sounds like to me all you have is religion. Religion will get you know where with GOD. GOD seeks a relationship with you and all of humanity. This can only be achieved through JESUS CHRIST HIS SON Jn 3:16-19 \ Rom 10:9-10. You said that you don't want to think any other religion is wrong.... the bible says that ONLY thru the name of JESUS can ';ANYONE'; be saved. What does that tell you about other religions? As for Mormonism... it is not Christianity. It is a cult. On the outside it appears Christian, but when you begin to dig deeper you see how much their doctrines differ from what the bible teaches. Look, here is the bottom line, you can do what you want, you are an adult... but my advice is to come to GOD on your knees and ask JESUS to come into your heart forgiving all your sins. Then seek HIS will in everything that you do and he will guide you. GOD has the perfect husband just waiting for you. Unfortunately satan has the perfect counterfeit waiting for you as well. You will not no the difference unless you first give your life to GOD by excepting JESUS as your Savior.

I have been married for 33 years to a mormon. He is fine with me not converting, I was raised Southern Baptist, but no longer go to church. However, the missionaries and Home Teachers still visit and try to convert me, they want me to join the Relief Society, teach Primary, etc. They are great people, take care of their own, but I have no interest in joining their church. The church will try to pressure you into converting, they will tell you that you won't be able to be with your husband in Heaven if you are not sealed in the Temple, and you cannot do that if you are not a member of their church. No matter how many times I tell them I am not interested, they still have not given up on me.
...If you are a true believer in Christ, if you've trusted in Him alone as your savior, what are you doing fooling around with some guy who's in a cult?

...Observe 2 Corinthians 6:14-15:

...14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

...15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?


...There is no verse that calls you to missionary dating. If you stick with this bird, you are headed for a life of uncertainty and misery. It will stunt your spiritual growth, and you'll be disobeying God's word.

You may want to talk about it....if he's really into his religion, he may not be willing to marry you if you won't change to his.
cant you see what religion is doing to you? cant even socialize with someone who isnt your religion..........let go of christianity you will be much happier
it's complicated.

When you marry a mormon, you marry the mormon religion. If you ever try to stay away from it, you will inevitably pull him away from it, and his family will inevitably think you are the devil. Mormons are taught that ';there are two churches only: the church of the Lamb (the Mormon Church), and the church of the devil (all other churches; or, a more apologetic response: all that goes against the mormon church).

I wish you good luck, but if the family is ';way into their religion';, you will have a VERY hard time.
The Bible says that we need to be ';equally yoked'; meaning that we need to be at a equal spiritual state.

But it's hard.

He's probably a great guy and all but here's couple of things:

You want him to love you right?

See if he sacrifices for you

See if he give you grace

See if he give you freedom

See if he will be obedient to God and the Bible

This is the love God demonstrated when he died on the cross, right?

These things would lead you both to uncover truth and you would be a great motivator for him to see.
How strong is his belief? Would he follow an elders directive, because if he doesn't he could be shunned . Could he handle that ? Could he handle being shunned by his family? Or would he put his belief on the back burner? I think you both should sit down with church elders and lay your cards on the table. I believe that one of you would have to compromise your belief and I can't see him doing it in view of his family.You would not be married in the morman church if you didn't become one.A lot depends on where you live . Is there a strong morman presence where you live? That will surely affect the situation. All I can do is wish you luck.
wow, quite the dilemma. it sounds like this isn't much of an issue for him, but his family might be a different story. is he going to stand up for you to his family if they say things against you? it's great to raise your son learning about different faiths being as acceptable as his own, thank you for that. my son's best friend is christian/jewish. his parents have been happily married for more than 20 years. i attended the boy's bar mitzvah where his christian father read hebrew from the koran (i think that's what is it please excuse my ignorance) and so did his jewish mother. this boy sometimes goes to church with his father. so it can work out. personally i think it raises a well rounded individual who you can be very proud of. i and my kids are pagan but are exposed to and learn about many other religions, my spouse (their step father) is atheist. his father is catholic, his mother christian. they have never ever said one thing bad about my religion, as i have never said one bad thing about theirs.

just take things slowly and you'll know in your heart if it will work out : )
They are two contrasting different religions. Not everyone in Mormonism knows the deep tenants of their faith, as with Christians. Listen to what others say about not being unequally yoked to non-believers. Check out the link below for a great audio discussing some of the basic beliefs of Mormonism, and you'll find much of it quite scary. If you'd like, post a message on my blog w/ your email addy and I'll give you a few more pieces of info regarding the matter.

oh yeh, as wordman says above, true Christianity is not a religion: my mistake
theres is no god

no past life @#$% either!!!

no heaven an hell too!!!!

no fortune tellers no horoscope @#$% either!!!

no adam an eve crap!!!

no ghosts!!!

no fairies!!!

and no one can '; read '; your mind @#$% either!!!

pls get a life :)

thank you an have a nice day :)
First of all, Mormor belief is not all that dissimilar from Christian belief. In fact, they pretty much coincide with each other. The best thing to do in a situatio like that is to pray to God for understanding and guidance. Only He can give you the answers you seek. However, I will say this much. If a religion or belief does not coincide with what the Bible teaches the Lord tells us to rebuke it as a false teaching. As long as you both keep God in your life and in your heart He will help make it work for you. Just make sure that you stay open to receiving the word of God....

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