Sunday, December 20, 2009

Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?

I am well over 30 and dating. It was my Christian women friends who said, ';why not?';. No, I dont follow them blindly...but I do respect their input and believe it is important to fellowship and get good Christian counsel. Anyhow, now that I have met someone through my church--it has become rather complicated. Seems that every couple we meet has one member that is pushing for marriage and the other is just trying to figure out what to do. These are all nice people and devoted service oriented Christians. But none of them can make up their minds on the issues of meeting (is it God ordained and if so, what do we look for?), dating, marriage, sex and the rest of it. I'd like to tell myself that life expectancy wasnt so long when the bible was written and therefore, its different when you have an annulment over age 35....but noah lived to be like 600 or something and he had only one wife.....You should know that every one of these people wants a God Blessed commited marriage...not one of them would shy away if they were sure.....but since we already have a past and since we are all sinners are we supposed to know what to do? We have prayed together in small groups and me and my guy pray all the time. Is dating just strictly off limits for those that are divorced? widowed? or otherwise single over 35? help. Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?
If both of you focus your eyes on Jesus, you should be fine. Discuss frankly with each other about each other's expectation in life and not be blinded by love at cloud 9. Establish spiritual intimacy before the physical touch. Only Jesus makes both man %26amp; women complete, not the two of them. Have any advice or good sources of information on Christian dating? I need help now. ?
You've become mired in the false statements and desires of those past who have changed the original texts of the Bible to suit their needs. What you see in print today is a far cry from the original first century scripts.

Life only has the meaning you give it.
You are over the age of 35, that is a good thing when it comes to dating. After a certain amount of time, your experience whether good or bad can help guide you through the youthful lusts and experiences. My thoughts are this, are you completely over your previous relationships, or is this one an extension of that? If so, slow it down and ask God for good counsel before you continue any further with her. Two, before you got with her, was there a signal within you that said that she was worth marrying? Dating's plan is truly a preparation for marriage, never get with no one that you cannot forsee yourself being engaged to for a lifetime. Next, bring healing to that women as you are, because good relationships stand when the man first stands for a woman that is hurting. It is funny that no relationship whould exist if that were not true, pray for and over her. Last, make sure you continue to walk with God first, being steadfast as his mouthpiece in this relationship.

God hates divorce, but if you two have come to an agreement then move on. Otherwise, sit back and align yourself with God.

I hope this helps

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