Sunday, December 20, 2009

ATHEISTS answer please: what potential problems do you see with dating a Christian? Any advice from experience

I just asked this question to everyone but it mainly seems to be Christians answering it so now I';m narrowing it down.

I've never had romantic feelings for a CHristian before, I always assumed it just wouldn't work out. Now I do have those types of feelings, but am still not sure if it could work in the end. What do you think?ATHEISTS answer please: what potential problems do you see with dating a Christian? Any advice from experience
My girlfriend is a Christian, and it's pretty common knowledge we've had problems, but I can't lay them all at the feet of religious differences.

That having been said, you are putting the horse before the cart. If you are having anxieties over religious differences of a potential relationship with someone that you haven't even been able to admit your love to, you are building a ';fanstasy'; relationship before a real one has even begun.

To tell the truth, at this point your constant vacillation--in a very public manner--would not in the slightest be viewed as attractive by most women. This is getting tiresome to all of us, and we aren't even the targets of your affection--imagine how it will be for her.

I imagine that when--if--you reveal yourself to her, she will hand you back a rather disappointing response.

The first question was cute and sweet. This dragging it out is monotonously boring and ruining your chances. You aren't acting like an interested prospect as much as you are acting like a creepy cyberstalker.

Creepy isn't what most women are going for these days.ATHEISTS answer please: what potential problems do you see with dating a Christian? Any advice from experience
I get the feeling you're more worried about how it would affect YOU than it would affect HER. Just my two cents.

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It depends what type of Christian you want to date. Is it a fundie or a mainline Protestant? A Catholic or an Eastern Orthodox? Do they accept science? How do your views compare on social issues?

I can't give a blanket statement for this, but there is nothing inherently bad about dating a Christian as an atheist. It all depends upon the two people involved.
I've never thought about religion, if they want to believe, it's upto them. I'm married to a catholic, but it never really enters my head, I just see the person.
I'd make sure you had a clear understanding of the boundaries right up front. She may go into a relationship (assuming she feels the same way about you) with the idea that she can eventually convert you. If you let her know right up front that's not going to happen, then it may save a lot of grief down the road.

Good luck.
Most of the scriptural advice I have seen is that Believers should not marry non-believers. It can cause a lot of problems for her down the road. Women have it in-born to believe that their love can change a man...then there is a joke that the only way you can change a man is if he in diapers. It is God that changes the heart and the best she can do is be a good example to you and let you see what you are missing. A walk with God gives you peace, joy and love no matter what trials you are facing. I pray that you will make a good choice if you are concerned at all for her welfare. Mmm
Honestly, I would pretend to convert to Christianity for a woman if the sex was good.
it could work, religions shouldnt be the ultimate relationship decider, but from experience, if u choose the wrong kind of Christian, they may force their religion too much onto you and tell you that you will go to hell for being an atheist and such. It's a pain in the *** hearing that stuff all the time and it wouldn't make a healthy relationship, but it really depends on the Christian...
I would go nuts. More power to you though.
';what potential problems do you see with dating a Christian?';

Well if they won't accept that carbon-dating is reliable, it will help if you are a silicon-based lifeform.

More seriously, unless every issue in this area is out in the open early on, it's not going to work.

There is no area of life that convinced Christianity does not influence.

Possibly the most basic one: ';what would we tell the children?';

Is there or isn't there a God?
well, first you have to tell me who it is...


i'm dating a Xian, it isn't really a big issue right now, and until the possibility of children comes into play, it probably won't be an issue at all...

she does what she does, I do what I do...
It's a good question. I have struggled with this same issue.

Honestly, what I can't get around is that I would not be able to respect the reasoning abilities of my significant other. I wish I could get over that, but it seems too important to me for a quality in my lover.
The solution is for the atheist to keep quiet about religion. I dated a fantastic lady and said nothing about atheism, and let her have her religion, and we got married and have lived happily ever after.

Church folks can believe what they want. I don't get upset about it.

I realize it's nonsense, but there's more to it than that: it makes them happy. Let them be happy.
I have dated a Christian before for a number of years. If you both have respect for one anothers beliefs, then it could work out. However, if one or both of you are not comfortable with your partners beliefs, then it won't work at all.

You don't know me! There is nothing in the Bible about having a Beer or smoking a Cigar being sins!

And I LOVE football, sometimes even watch in my underwear! The old stereo-types that all Christians are boring are way off base!

You might want to look at the Catholic Church!

BTW: I was a Protestant and married a Catholic Girl, it worked great and I am now Catholic also, just because of her example, not her pushing me. Like anything, before marriage (and during) you will need 3 things, Communication, communication, and more communication.

Good Luck!
I'm not a religious person, and relationships have never worked out with christians. They always try to make you think you're going to hell and trying to make you go to church.

It depends on how devout the person is, but if they are really into jesus, that's all you'll hear about.
Some people say it's like mixing oil and water. However, I'm atheist because I don't like the constraints of society. If you love a Christian date her/him, just realize that it might not work unless you make it. Love is blind to belief although it is a factor. If that made any sense.
do NOT start your relationship by finding out about the potential problems! you'll figure them out when they arise!
I wouldn't do it. I am unwilling to get married in a church or have my future children attend church (unless the choose to at a reasonable age). If these things aren't important to you then it could work. I guess a big factor is how religious is the person in question.
';. Now I do have those types of feelings, ';

Presumably for one person? Or do you have some kind of fetish?
Wear a condom, they get pregnant when a strong breeze blows.
I dated a Xian for a while and even considered marrying her but my lack of faith was enough for us to break up.

The main problem was she wasn't of the luke-warm variety that called themselves Xian and maybe went to church a couple times a year. She was one of the hard core Xians that really took her faith seriously and placed gawd at the centre of her life. Had she been less of a fanatic then things might have turned out better for us.

I would find out how serious her religion is to her and whether or not she expects you to follow her in that. Also consider your children assuming you have any with her. How is it that they will be raised? Will she insist on them being Xian or will she allow them to choose their own path?
My sister is Christian and married to an Atheist for 15yrs now, and they have been perfectly happy.
It is not an issue as long as they accept that you are who you are and don't try to convert you. I'm dating a christian and she accepts that I am an atheist.
Honestly, it is the degree of religion they are. Depending on how open minded they are and if they realize you don't need saving. I think you will fight about it for which there is no impasse. How close they are to family and how religious the family is will also affect that too. There is no winner. I wish you well though, my hubby is an atheist and I was raised Christian but we met a time in my life where I questioned things and I was swayed dramatically by what I choose to believe are facts. I don't consider myself a Christian anymore.
It really depends how strongly they feel about their beliefs and how strongly you do. My father was an atheist and my mother Christian lite. It was no problem at all.

But personally I don't think I could stand being with someone who strongly believed we were all born in sin and all the rest of that rubbish.
I htink that if your not a cristian you should not date her unless she is smokin hot. i dated a christian before and they can not do anything with you until you get married
The biggest problem is going to be, what are you going to do every Sunday morning?
They're obviously gullible and very easy to manipulate- so that's a plus.

the down side is they seem to feel guilty every time they have sex.
None really. I love when she dresses up like a nun and ';punishes'; me for my sins.
I suspect you'll get very bored down the road. Walk away now.
you have to go to church alot so do your kids

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