Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian Dating advice??

Hello. I am 19 and will be 20 in August. For the longest time I have not been really too concerned about dating. I have had school, work, and other family concerns that have occupied most of my time. However, the more I see that I am the only one in my family that does not have someone, I start to get upset. I am from a small town, going to school in another small town, etc. and I am looking for a strong Christian guy. Do you have any suggestions of how to meet that special someone in a ';non-Christian'; environment?Christian Dating advice??
Sweetheart just continue on with your life . Dont let others make you think you have to have someone . If you rush yourself into a relationship then you will miss the one that God has picked out for you . If your lonely then why not involve yourself with more Christian activities ? Participate with summer activities at a church camp for children even . Many women place themselves into the wrong marriages / relationships because of reasons like that .Christian Dating advice??
This question can also apply to Christian guys looking for a Christian woman.

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Why do you want to meet someone in a non-Christian environement. If you are a Christian, than I don't need to quote the scripture about being unequally yolked.

Try a different pond. There are lots of fish in the sea, but if the sea where you are is all fished out, then find another pond.

Take some classes at a Christian college, go on a college retreat with your church. Go on a short term missions trip with college age people.
Why be so concerned about finding a Christian man, any other man is no less a sinner.

You could join an online dating thing, they have that for christians.
Why would you expect to find a strong Christian guy in a non christian environment. That part of your question is not sensible. Are you a Christian?? Then look for a sheep with other sheep, not the cows. You need to be involved in your Church activities and someone will come along in answer to your prayers. You feel the need, but now you must pray for the right person. There are a lot of duds, even in the church. Take your time.
How do you expect to find somebody with strong Christian values in a non-Christian environment? Blind luck? Divine intervention?

I would suggest attending Christian-themed activities (like church related stuff). You'll stand a much better chance of meeting somebody with the aforementioned values.
Just pray and trust in the Lord. He will provide you your mate when the time is right.
don't rush it...god will put the right man in your path when you are ready for the relationship. so many of us feel lonely and settle for the first thing that comes along, then we pray to have it taken away. trust the lord your god and he will give you the desires of your heart, he knows what you want better than you do and when he sets things in motion for you, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is right.
It is very hard but pray about it, but also have patience you are too young to be in a relationship, Jesus will send you someone special a Christian man, just be patient.
pray for him to come to you.
Start with prayer.
If you are in a '; Non-Christian'; Environment as you indicate then you will hook up with someone that is Non-Christian. You need to be in a christian environment and meet other christian men and when it is time then you will meet that person. In fact you should be praying for that person right now that god protect them and guide them until you two cross paths at the right place and right time..GODS TIME
I think Paul had the right of it, you are better off single than getting involved with a woman. In the event that you can find a good one though, right down my address....
You might want to try a Christian online site for singles. BUT be very careful. Don't meet up with someone until you have chatted for a long time, talked to references, etc. And even then, meet in a public place until you know that they are who they say they are.

Good luck.
Not really-but you are still very young and have plenty of time....Don't rush it. You will end up with a turd...
Start by going to a Christian Church. And instead of dating talk to the Pastor about courting. it may sound old fashioned however it is more practical for Christians. I suggest to stay away from dating non-Christians, as they will or can have a bigger influence on you than you on them. Especially in the area of sexuality. Lets face it you wantto remain pure for your husband.
If you don't mind using the internet, then you can specify where you're from, age, religion etc. but other than that I'm not sure unless there's a church group or something.
Go to church!
Many Churches have groups for Young Adults.
if you go to a bar, you'll find drunk people.

If you go to a law school, you'll find smart people.

Go to a place where Christian men would hang out together. If there is no one at your church, maybe visit another church from the same denomination.

And if that doesn't work, start a bible study and invite people. Both guys and girls. Not only will have something to look forward to, but you'll get to meat friends and guys.

But try that.

and if that doesn't work, try

I think.
I would say not to worry too much about it. Im 31 and still havent found Mr Right For Me! I have friends who are desperately unhappy with their partners and although I cant say Leave to them as its notmy place I am prepared myself to wait till I find someone I truely love. I just cant be like my friends who would rather have someone who makes them sad rather than be single. Dont worry you will find someone nice, as they say it will happen when you stop looking! Good luck
Try one of those Christan dating sites, there could be a guy for you in a near by town, never know.
You can't be guaranteed that whoever you meet in that ';non-Christian environment'; is going to see eye to eye with you on spiritual issues. If religion is that important to you, you're pretty much stuck with church and church functions. Does your church have Bible study groups?
have you prayed to God about your concerns about getting the special boyfriend.....? If not, than do so...he will give you the answer in less time than you think...but do it with faith, no doubting at all...and maybe he can do more than that....that is if you let him.
there are loads of Christian online dating servives and on other dating services, you can specify that being a Christian is essential criteria. I know a lot of the sites are free. If you just type in ';Christian dating'; or something like that into your search box, it'll come up wit a few options.
The best place to find a ';strong Christian guy'; is in a bar or porn shop/movie no less than twenty miles from his ';strong Christian family.';

You might find one at Hooter's, but he won't be a ';strong Christian,'; he would only be a ';mediocre Christian.';

Happy hunting.
Do you know of a singles group in your church or a Christian singles group that meets regularly? How about eharmony? Just my suggestions.
You shouldn't pass up opportunities to date and find out what it is you feel you require from a relationship. Especially if you are from a small town. You may want to be lax on the strong Christian criteria. If they respect your views then dating should not be a problem.

Possibly you are looking in the non church environment to avoid watching eyes of pastor and family?

There are Christian on line dating - but risky and not much chance you will find someone in your area always. What about places where a Christian, or a generally nice guy, would volunteer?

Just be positive that you will meet someone. Worrying about it and being negative will not draw that into your life. You have the power of your spirit to create your life, to draw things to you. Positive energy, gratefullness. Pray inwards.
Well two birds of a feather flock together. The way I look at it is focus on your relationship with God. Don't be upset because you do not have a mate. Maybe this is your time to grow closer with him and build a solid relationship with him so when you are in a relationship, the rest will fall in to place. Seek GOD first and he will bless you with the right man you are suppose to be with.

PLEASE GO TO THIS WEBSITE and read what it says about choosing a mate. It will help you further.鈥?/a>
god values you no matter if you have a man or not. god has a plan fo ryour life, whether it involves a husband, or just yourself. dno't ruch, even if you are an adult

god bless

Go out, meet new people. If you're looking specifically for a Christian, get involved in Christian activities.

Be more concerned though as to -why- you want to date someone. If you get involved with a guy simply because you don't want to be the only one in your family without someone, that isn't fair to the guy.

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