Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?

Earlier in the day,my boyfriend texted me yesterday and he said that a girl that is close to his grandma said that I cheated on him,he said she thinks she is hating.I dont know this girl,and she keeps buggin him about it,and its getting to his head.

Later on on the middle of the night last night he called me because he said something was bothering him and it on his mind.What happened was that the same girl and him were in the room,and they were getting ready for a party earlier that day, she asked if he can put lotion on her.He admitted,it was just her legs.So then he leaves,and then this girl strips naked and goes in the room and kisses him.He said he didn't do anything,and i want to believe him and said he was call me later today to talk more about this,i couldnt handle the thought yesterday.We are both saved christians,WE DONT HAVE SEX,and we know thats till marriage,and I want to handle this the right way without buggin out,but I dont know how.Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?
He made a big mistake putting lotion on her legs. Remember in the Old Testament, Joseph fled from Potiphar's wife. I don't think you can trust him. I'd give him his walking papers if he can't convince you that it was a one-time lapse in judgement, apologize and promise to never be in the same room alone with her again. Christian dating with some problems.Advice Please?
Calm down. If your boyfriend is worthy of your trust, then accept his explanation. If you don't trust him, dump him.

It sounds to me like one of two things happened here:

1. Jealous girl tries to con boy into sleeping with her. When he refuses her advances, she spreads rumors about his girlfriend.

2. Boy cheats on girlfriend and lies about it.

You must decide which one is more likely, based on what you know about your boyfriend.
Pray for wisdom and powers of discernment. You bf was tempted but he says nothing else happened. Even Jesus Christ was tempted! No one is immune from temptation. Give this matter lots of prayer, lots of thought, and some time.

You shouldn't dump your boyfriend too hastily.
This is not God's plan for you. My advice? Say Goodbye...

Good for you and youcommitmentnt to stay pure. This situation would be much more difficult to handle had you had an intimate relationship with him.

This must be so upsetting for you. Without knowing him, it's hard to make a firm judgment call, but I gotta say, it doesn't sound good.

If I were you, I would see if he were willing to have nothing more to do with this girl. The Bible tells us to flee when this kind of thing happens.

If he insists that he should still be her friend or even continue to talk her etc.. I would move on. Also, if you would find out that he lied to you and something happened between them, still move on. Temptation will always be a part of a person's life. You don't want to make a lifetime commitmentnt to someone who is going to break your heart over and over.

It's also possible that in case he gets caught, he's got the ';but I thought you had cheated on me, and that's why I did it';.

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