Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian dating advice?

Ok so im 15 and i really like this guy who is 13 but im afraid that might be too young for me. However; im dating this guy thats 18 and only wants to have sex which i have not yet given in to. Kirby who is 13 doesn't want that behavior and is a sweet guy. I dont know what to do, i kissed Kirby today which is horrible cuz im dating James but i didn't plan it, it just happened like that. I'm so confused. I want what God wants for my life but right now im thinking he put someone into my life that is great, but the one i'm dating right now isn't the best and he wants me to move in with him in 6 months and if me and him are still dating.

so questions are

1. Do i tell James i kissed Kirby?

2. Should i break up with James?

3. Should i go out with Kirby?

4. Should i just take a break?Christian dating advice?
Look, okay, so Kirby sounds like the kind of guy you should be dating. He seems more suited to your current tastes and vows. I think maybe you should try it with him. But then again you'd have to break it off with James. Good luck with that.

:3Christian dating advice?
1. No. Unless you are really brave and want to be honest with James and take the possibility of him breaking up with you.

2. Yeah. If you are a Christian, and you don't want sex before marriage, then break up with him. Better safe than sorry.

3. If you think that you are ready and don't mind him being younger, go ahead.

4. Maybe that would be a good idea.

Hope this helps.
As a christian break u with James and take a break God doesnt want us to have that pressure and at our age He wouldnt give us that pressure so pick neither and take a break. What in the world are you going out with 15 year old any way. Sorry but that plain Stupid you two live in different spectrums. Just break it off.
well i think you should break up with james it seems like your not that happy with him.tell him you kissed curby and go out with curby. dont take a break i think kurby is rite for you take hi while you have chance.
take a break hon :) ur way too young to be worrying about all this drama

good luck... God bless ya
Take a break. :)
Take a break at 15 guys will come and go and when dating and kissing gets involved it can lead to more even heartbreak and a bad rep ..Don't set yourself up for heartbreak..k nor is god doing this at your age he may be giving you friends but not a boyfriend nor is he telling a 15 year old to move in with a guy that's sin..Slow it down and do more productive stuff that god will enjoy don't go fast in life it will bring things you don't want nor will you be able to handle..bottom line dating can be a door your not ready for so dont open it to fast..Save yourself for your husband and give it time sex is suppose to be precious you rush it you get what it brings..What do you think you parents would do if you got pregnant and then left alone careful of what your doing expecially at 15..
You can't continue being with a man who is forcing you to do things you don't want to do and doesn't respect your religious values. That isn't love. He is selfish.

You have to end it because you will only continue living a lie and hurting yourself and giving your current man the upper hand and power.

Be honest with your current man and tell him about the other guy you're interested in. He will find out sooner or later anyways from others or from the way you act around him (the new man).

Take some time after the breakup to reflect on yourself and decide what you want from there.

Go for the younger guy if you really like him. Become really good friends as well. It will make it easier to stay true to your religious beliefs if you focus on the friendship part. Plus if he is younger he isn't as horny yet and probably will have more respect for you.

Good luck =)
You must realize that at this point in your life your are just dating, not making life altering decisions. Yes, you did wrong by 'dating' someone and kissing another, but no good will come out of kissing and telling. You obviously do not have much in common with James and should break it off (since yes, at that age all he wants is sex). He may be 18 and want his girlfriend to move in with him, but at only 15 you are no where ready to make those decisions.

Do you really think God is speaking to you about dating, or should you just stick to the standards you have for yourself which should be date someone your own age (option #5).
omg can u even do that? quit sure your parents wldnt let you move in with ur bf...and im sorry i dnt even think you should have to think about this..even an idiot cld see what to do.

why wld u stay with james if all he wants is sex and you even said he aint the best!!?..duh break up with him, what so hard about it???

as for kirby, big deal his 2 years younger! 19 i would still date 3 years younger if they were mature looking...

bottom line i wldnt tell james you kissed kirby, id break up with james and go out with kirby!

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