Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?

Ok well first off i am a single mom who has already been divorced.. and now raising my 11 month old son.. i am christian, and was raised that way. i do believe it's good to raise your children in your religon.. but i don't want him to think any other religon is wrong, that's for him to decide when he grows up.. ok so that's a little about me.. now i am dating a guy who is mormon.. and he has no problem dating me, or kissing me, any of those things.. even eventually getting romantically involved. but my question is.. is this all ok, i mean if i ever got married to a mormon, i would never become mormon, and i wouldn't raise my son that way. how would all of that work.. i have asked him about the way things work about marrying someone who isn't mormon, and he told me, it doesn't matter what the person is, mormon or not, if you love them, then people will except that you are both different. if we ever had kids. what religon would they be. i am not against his beliefs.I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?
Try to stick with the same religion or make him christian. These mormom people made up stories and its not worth fighting about it after marriage.

My boyfriend is Hindu and I am christian and I changed him and now he is christian and will get baptized before marriage. Thats love and I changed him coz I want him to be with me in heaven.I am Christian and dating a mormon... i need some advice about kids.. just read my details?
please focus to your baby and your health first before thinking about guys out my experience...when I'm still dating everything seems OK....but my dear,.... religion,money, relationship with in-laws are the common root of misunderstanding between husband and wife that leads to divorce...stop dating.
This is for you and your partner to discuss ahead of marriage. You and your families all need to be happy about what you all believe and how your children should be raised.

To give you some pointers, here's a website where this topic is discussed. I hope this helps. Good luck!
I am a ';Mormon'; and I can promise you that you will get a lot of bad information here on Y!Answers. So from the details you provided, it sounds like you are simply worried he'll pressure you or your son into converting to the ';Mormon'; religion. I obviously don't know him, but I can tell you that he probably will try to teach you, and share the Gospel with you. You should not feel forced though. You do not have to be Mormon to marry another Mormon. I believe marrying outside your religion can introduce additional pressures on a marriage, but it depends on the commitment level each of you have to your own beliefs. I would defintely recommed talking it out with him. Explain your concerns to him, base your decisions on his response and Heavenly Father's answer after praying about it. Good Luck to you and your son
If you have reservations about this then I suggest you tread VERY carefully. There are some couples that can pull off an interfaith marriage, others cannot.

I, too, am Christian, but I have learned you have Christians %26amp; non-christians. It's those man-made rules %26amp; ideas that seem to get us into trouble; not God's.

You both sound like you are very strong in your own faith. I can't tell you whether it will cause problems for you down the road. But if you think it MIGHT, now would be the time to end the relationship, heal %26amp; move on.

Take care of that little one. :)
Mormons believe God was a man in the beginning. and by being what they are gives them all a chance to be Gods. I have a Mormon book. I am Christian. I know a Mormon. He said they are a cult. They have secret concubines. His goal is not to convert you, it is to convert the children. You are female and without significance.
You'd better watch out. Mormons will try to suck you in. There's no way you can marry this guy without becoming a Mormon. Go on the net and look at how Mormon men act after they are married. I don't mean to offend anyone, but this is a reality. I am not prejudiced about anyone's religion (and I am not Christian) but there are some real concerns here for you and your child. Please take the time to get educated about Mormonism. Good luck.
no offence but Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with God. Anyway, Christians can only do one thing at a time like this, pray. Pray for him if you love him so much and he loves you really loves you then he will change. Ask God if he is the man for you. Your life will be better if you marry the man God has set out for you. If you ever did get married i think the children would decide for themselves. its your job as a parent to guide them into the religion or for christanity, faith, that you believe in.
First of all if you don't sound like you know much about Mormons, you will not find much on this site, you are already getting the wrong information from some people.

Mormons are allowed to marry Non-Mormons, Mormons are Christian, the real name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you can just say LDS(Latter-Day Saint).

LDS will not force you or your kids to become LDS, that is for you to decide and your kids when they get older. LDS do not practice plural marriage.

Have you talked to your boyfriend and found out what he wants?

Hmm I suggest finding someone else with your religious beliefs. I find it very odd a mormon would date a non mormon usually they are very strict about who they date. But nontheless I think for you, it would just be easier to move on and find a fellow christian. Bringing two religions together is never easy and if you do decide to stay with this man you should ask him what he expects of you for example if he expects you and your son to become mormons. Get all the facts on the table before you say the i do's. Good luck to you!
ok is his family into ';plural marriage';? if so then run, head for the hills! i'd be very careful about continuing a relationship with this person because he's not being all together honest with you. mormons go on mission strictly for religious conversion. if his family is that much into their religion he's probably gone on mission himself. men in the mormon culture are true heads of their households, carefully look at his parent infrastructure to determine if he's going to mirror their behavior. just be careful about progressing your relationship with him and seriously study their culture/religious from an unbiased point of view and what i mean by that is not propaganda put together by the church. personally i wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with a non-christian. Good luck.
Sounds like you've already thought this through pretty well and he has too.

Myself, I would sit down and talk with the family and let them know that your child and future children will not be forced into any particular religion. As a child you can introduce them to both, when they get older, as you said, let them decide which religion they prefer.

I know a couple that were married for 40 + years and they were different beliefs. (One is deceased now.) But they loved each other and practiced their own religions and never tried to force one on the other and it worked out just fine, till death did they part!

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