Sunday, December 20, 2009

Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?

I am American, Christian, and my gf is a Korean Buddhist. She seems to get offended whenever I ask her about her religion, which is pretty strange to me, because I don't mind talking about my religion. Any advice?Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?
you need to give it up, two religion marriages, and I know you are just dating, end up in divorce at a much higher rate than same religion marriages, marriage is hard enough, besides the Bible says you should not be unequally yoked, how can two people move forward together in life if you are in separate religions, or for that matter, separate goals, visions, desires, what will the children study and believe, if you like Korean girls find a Christian one, there are plenty out there

the Scripture you quoted is referring to when a person becomes a Believer AFTER they are already married not one who knowingly gets married to an unbeliever

I love it when people say Christians are so intolerant, aren't you being intolerant yourself? if you were truly ';tolerant'; you would not care what Christians say, you would tolerate whatever anyone said, whether it be Muslim saying Islam is the only way, or someone who says there are many ways, your response would be well, you can certainly believe that if you wish, so stop being intolerant to the ';intolerant';Advice for a Christian dating a Buddhist?
Advice? Convert.
How about leaving religion out of you're relationship because it will one day destroy you're relationship.

P.S. good luck with your girlfriend.
learn every thing you can about Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism is not like your religion at all so don't treat it like it is.. If you want to know what she stands for, you have to do the research.
There is a book by Jack Kornfield and Marcus Borg, where quotes from Jesus and The Buddha are placed side by side. It might surprise you how very similar these two wise individuals were.

For some people, religion/faith is a very private matter. Perhaps over time she will feel comfortable sharing more, especially if she sees that you respect her faith (which I sense you do).

All the best.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
If you want to follow the Bible on this matter, you should remember that the Bible says that we should not be unequally yoked. That means that we should not get involved with a non-Christian.

So, the ';in your face'; question is, what is more important, obeying God or keeping this gf?

How would you raise kids if you got married? How would you be able to share your faith with her? It is a very satisfying thing to have a godly spouse. It is also very disconcerting to have to live your faith out alone while a spouse lives her separately.
Don't date her unless she becomes a Christian. The Bible tells us not to be unevenly yoked. This is because it can lead to a terrible relationship.
Google the religion or to go about it. You can get a ton of knowledge about stuff that way. READ SOMETHING so you don't offend her further and you can hold an inteligent conversation about this stuff. Also, you can't just ignore it because if you ever have kids you need to decide which religion they will be following (or if you will raise them in one). These are important topics that should be addressed, but don't press the topic. Talk about it when it seems natural to.
it willbe hard God never wants us to be with someone who doesn't believe in him because we should be with some one whom shares our love for christ, we are supposed to be a union with God and when you have difrent beliefs it only makes things harder
Maybe it's not religion at all, maybe her culture doesn't talk about stuff like that. Many cultures find Americans too ';in your face';, so take it down a notch.
to many people their religion is a very personell thing.

simply respect that many people that follow a religion that is not of the big 3 find that when people ask about their religion they are often looking for ammo to use against it, thus we learn to be very quiet.
Make sure to let her know that you want to openly discuss your religions and that you won't try to offend her when she talks about hers Tell her that you're just truly interested. But be sincere.

Then if she opens up, listen to what she has to say.
There is release from sufferring.

(Buddhism is not a religion so much as a spiritual practice).
Learn more about her religion, without bringing up yours. Find out why she takes offense, and then see if it's something that you can live with.
mr American, it is quite possible that your gf must have suffered some bad experience regarging her own religion which might stop her from speaking anything about her religion, hence i think you should respect her feeling as you love her very much and you make her sure that you are not the one who is going to make fun of it or even go on gossiping, you puerly love her even whatever is the matter about
Wow. So many Christians advising you to either convert her to to break up with her. Christian xenophobia in action.

Perhaps you should try accepting the fact that she has a different religion than you and leave it at that. You may not even be aware of it (I know a couple of Christian buddies who aren't), but when you talk about your religion you may be coming off as being preachy or pushy. If this is the case, then it is no wonder she will not discuss her faith with you. She doesn't want you arguing with her over something that is probably a very important part of her private life.

Learn about her faith. If you really want to make this relationship work...whether long-term or need to be more aware of her background and perspective. Regardless of the concieted claim that the Chirstian faith is the only ';True'; one, you will never really get close to her if you don't make some effort to understand her frame of reference.

If you are unwilling or unable to do even that, then you really are better off calling it quits: Your faith will inevitably try to muscle in on hers. That's just the way Christianity is.
There is a chance she might feel you are trying to convert her into a Christian from the way you speak. Or she wants to respect your religion, but is afraid when she start to speak religion there might be conflict.
I don't see how you could have a good relationship without agreement on religion. The ones that say leave religion out of it are not realistic. If she won't visit your church, you need another girlfriend.

Would it be okay if your children wanted to be Buddhist?
Listen really hard to what her religion has to say.

It's more useful than yours.
Stop asking her then, maybe she thinks your judging her.

Christains can be tough that way..Let her be if she doens't want to talk about it..
She probably figures you are going to be disrespectful of her religion and try to convert her. If she doesn't want to talk about it, respect that and don't pressure her.
Wow. Some very good and sensitive answers so far, as well as some pretty frightening and intolerant stuff.

Keep a kind heart and be compassionate. The comment about this perhaps being more a cultural difference than a spiritual one is very insightful. Many Asian cultures (not all) are much more reserved. Also understand that Buddhism is, as has been stated by another answerer, a spiritual practice and NOT a theistic religion. Buddhism is very compassionate and non-judgmental whereas Christianity (deservedly or not) is seen by many people to be very intolerant and judgmental. Just as there are differences between various Christian churches there are subtle differences among various Buddhist schools and traditions . . . but the basics are the same and can be gleaned from Wikipedia or other web sites. If you're serious, invest a few bucks in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buddhism by Gary Gach. And to try to harmonize your faith with her spirituality, you might read ';Jesus and Buddha as Brothers'; by Vietnamese Buddhist Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh.

Talk less, listen more. Be patient. Be compassionate.

Blessings to both of you.
';Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness.'; 2 Cor 6:14

This means marriage also

Just another sinner

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