Sunday, December 20, 2009

Teen Christian Dating Advice Please?

Okies so I am 15 and I really like this guy. I'm planning to ask him out and kiss him before the end of school... So... I'm a really strong Christian believer and I just want to know... is it okay for you to like make out or french kiss and stuff like that with your boyfriend before marraige? Please I really need to know before next week :S I really like him and hes Christian too so if I just kiss him then he might get mad and and ahh!! Please please help. ThankiesTeen Christian Dating Advice Please?
If you value yourself and you want to stay on God's side of the line, do not go out with guys one on one before you are ready to start thinking about marriage. The course you are on is set by the world, not Jesus. French kissing is definitely not something to engage in with anyone but your husband...AFTER he marries you.

Many nice Christian kids like you and this young man you are talking about end up in sin when they do what you are talking about.

Please listen to a guy who has been there. To a girl, kissing, even ';french'; kissing, is something that doesn't seem that big of a deal. Trust me, to a guy, it is very sexual.

You do not want to be the cause of this young man (or yourself) sinning a very grievous sin, I am sure you don't.

Until you are ready, at age 21 or older to get serious about finding a marriage partner, just go on group dates with good Christian kids who are chaperoned by a parent or youth pastor. You will stay out of trouble that way.

Get the idea of making out or kissing out of your head. It will lead to sin, even pregnancy. At 15, you don't want to mess up your life and feel the weight of guilt that comes from sexual sin.

I was one of those who thought that kissing or making out was ok. Here's what happens; Each date, the excitement increases, the point you left off at the last date becomes the starting point for the next date, leading you ever closer to the eventual goal of Satan, to get you to lose your virtue. Before you know it, the little tiny shade of gray grows darker by imperceptible degrees, until you are both into the blackest black. Your self worth is destroyed and you feel the remorse and regret and shame that did not need to happen.

I know. It happened to me. My girlfriend and I ended up in a situation where we thought she might be pregnant, so we got married in a rush to hide our shame and sin. We didn't have the nice wedding we dreamed of because we could not celebrate with our friends and families this hurry up shotgun wedding. I am still ashamed of that and how our parents and brothers and sisters were hurt and ashamed. Eventually, she divorced me because she never loved me. Part of that was because I didn't love her enough to honor her virtue before we got married.

The exciting feelings that come to us as a result of our attraction to the opposite sex is given to us from God as a wonderful gift. It keeps husbands close to their wives and children and wives close to their husbands. It is a beautiful way to bond and share the deepest, most intimate feelings we have for our spouse. But it is to be used only within the bonds of matrimony.

I am 50 now and I am dating a wonderful woman who is also very beautiful and desirable to me. I have committed with her to not kiss or even hold hands before marriage. I know that I have only so much self control and that I have to watch myself so I don't repeat the mistake I made in my first marriage. Kim has agreed that we should be very careful about physical intimacy before marriage. She honors me for wanting to stay clean and pure so that on our wedding night everything will be right and we can rejoice with God that our love is pure and undefiled. We will have all the excitement that we have waited for and our consciences will be clean.

I pray that you will wait for the proper time to indulge in these beautiful pleasures that await you.

I pray in Jesus name, amen.Teen Christian Dating Advice Please?
no it's not okay to kiss more than a peck
Kissing is fine. Just be careful, some people say that kissin' is not a big deal but in reality, it is cuz it's a gateway to everything else that follows. It's naive to think that nothin' could happen. Just let him know how you feel, kisses are the best when they just happen, not when they are planned.
Ok, easy there sister. I'm a Christian, too. I think dating is ok. (Even though,personally I'm not interested in it.) You sound kind of...freaky. Saying you are planning to kiss him before school is out! I think little kisses, on the cheek,lipsare ok. French kissin with your boyfriend isn't un-Christian. But it's not particurally modest. Don't do it! You might take him by suprise and scare him away, if you care about him. Date him for a while before you take action like that.
its all up to you and what you believe. as long as youre not publicly displaying it all over the place. but if you wanna go technical, it only says you cant have sex before marriage
You asked this already.

You can do pretty much anything except have sex (and this includes french kissing and whatnot). Just save the sex for when you're married.

:-) have fun.
You already asked this. Just be patient, you will get more answers.
well i been raised to have no sexual intercourse before marriage i dont see how a french kiss or makeing is considered sexual... but yea if u really are scared ask ur parents or ask your churchs priest..... its just innocent kissing....


Ok, yes, in the NIV bible, it says you can do anything sexual (w/o having sex) as long as it doesn't lead you into having sex. so basically, you can do practically anything, just not THE thing. Your welcome

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