Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian Dating advice?

For a Christian couple that are dating,

Is it ok to go on holiday together or do you need a chaperone?

As for the rooms...........

(YES Atheists we are the fundie types that wait until marriage!)Christian Dating advice?
I don't believe you need a chaperone when God is watching at all times. If you love God %26amp; fear Him, you won't do anything to compromise your relationship with Him. Maybe you should try adjoining rooms, or one room with double beds. Hope this helps.Christian Dating advice?
Do you plan to give into temptation?

A chaperone is required to keep you from sinning. If you can be a good Christian, skip the chaperone.

As far as I'm concerned, if you wanted to sleep in the same bed naked, it would be okay. That's not a sin. Engaging in carnal knowledge would be sinning.

And Atheists aren't about free love and sexual freedom. Don't presume that you have a moral high ground over atheists. There are good reasons not to engage in sex outside of a committed relationship that have nothing to do with religion. God is not required for monogamy.
It would be more fun to find another Christian dating couple to go along, rather than a ';chaperone'; per se. Separate rooms are a must if you are trying to ';avoid the appearance of evil.'; Beyond that, try to keep her parents happy, if you want to keep her happy.
Why would you need a chaperon? Would you not trust yourselves?


But in your beliefs, doesn't God already know what you are going to do? And.... who would it matter to if you had a chaperon... that seems like more of a social standard than a real religious one.
If you can control yourself from doing it with your girl.

If not, why not make your family and her family go together?

It will be fun!

And the rooms...better be seperate. Ok?

Best not have any chances of any posibility of doing naughty things. LOL.
I don't believe there to be any real rules here that you absolutely have to follow. Since you want to wait, Can you control yourself is more the issue. If not, it might not be a good idea without a chaperon.
Well no matter how old you are if you want to wait until marriage for sex then do not sleep in the same room alone together. That is just too tempting and is a proximate occasion to sin.
going on a holiday together is OK.

providing of course seperate rooms, and no hanky panky
Either you trust yourself to be faithful to your commitment, or you don't.

Chaperones are just for show.
Not wise. I can not say no but I can say it is not wise. Even grown adults who date and go away need chaperons.
If your foundation is strong you wont need a chaperone, but I would get seperate rooms.
Sin now repent later.
I would like to know where in the bible it says Christians can date? That is a man made concept.
I faced the same situation. I needed to travel to Hawaii for business that would only take one day. I wanted to stay for a week and share it with a woman that I was hoping to marry. We stayed in separate rooms. My reasons were: (a) It was more important to me to obey God than to save money. (b) I saw that it was time to demonstrate that.

Putting yourselves in the same room provides an opportunity for temptation to easily be acted out. The way to deal with temptation is not to “promise yourself to be good”. Many well intentioned people fail when they rely on will-power.

Instead, be realistic about the human condition and plan to avoid situations where temptation can multiple. Boundaries in life are like tools that help in times when your will-power is weak.

There is another element in the equation, which is your reputations. A good reputation is a hard thing to earn, and something that can be lost in one bad move.

Going with another like minded couple is a good idea. As far as a chaperon goes, I guess you have to make that call if your circumstances warrant it, for example, if the girl's parents were in distress over the matter.

In my circumstances, a chaperon wasn't needed. Assuming your an adult, this is an opportunity to demonstrate your maturity.

By the way, we had a great time in Hawaii. It turns out that we didn’t get married.

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