Sunday, December 20, 2009

What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?

I'm 23 years old and I've never had a bf or dated before. I'm heavily into studies at the moment, and with my Christian faith, I know that I need to be patient and start waiting on God to allow things to happen naturally. How do you be patient in these circumstances? Sometimes I feel unwanted or that something must be wrong with me. I don't have time to date because I'm in graduate school and I'm also studying to get into medical school. Sometimes it saddens me that I have all of these goals that perhaps are pushing guys away from me.... Help?What advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?
Your Asian , Right ?

Many Asians put study first in their early life , if you are 23 , I would guess you are almost finished your studies . Why not finish them off %26amp; then look for a BF or if you want one now , why not look at your class mates who have similar goals as you.Just be careful the wrong BF could drag your mind off your studies %26amp; it would be a shame to fail so close to the finish.

If you are not Asian then the same thing applies.

I am sure you are a beautiful person %26amp; will find the right boy , just take your time.

If you want a friend then you are welcome to email meWhat advice do you have for a 23 year old girl of Christian faith who has never dated?
I'm not asian, but thank-you for the wonderful answer.

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Well, ';stop waiting and get yourself a date before you're over the hill'; comes to mind immediately. If you don't have time to date and you're heavily into studies, that implies that your non-dating is a choice. Why then do you feel unwanted? How would you even KNOW whether or not you're wanted unless you put yourself out there and make yourself available to date?
...and there's your problem right there ';... waiting on god....';.

To do what exacly? Have you no sense as to what you want and what you don't want? Can't you tell between an azz hole and one who is not? Where's your judgement in the matter? Oh that's right.. your ';waiting on an invisible entity to supply the goods..... '; ...good luck with that.
Don't worry dear, im 18 and have never had a boyfriend either, in a way though i think its Gods way of protecting me, i have very very very high standards for guys so maybe thats why, i really could care less about the whole dating thing, i figure if God has a man for me he will bring him to me and i won't have to go out chasing guys, God will bring you the right person when the time is right. Just focus on your studies now, relationships can cause alot of stress and extra worries that will interfere with school.
God has called some for special purposes and teaches us that only some who are specially gifted to be single at least for a while and that its so they can serve Him in a special way without the constraints of family. It may be for a short time or for life but its a special gift. Also those who trust in God have a promise that He will not only care for them but also give them the desires of their heart.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
yes relationships are not worth it and u cant stop the real one .. if its the real deal it will go smoothly with the goals you have and make you go forward and not stagnate or lose ground .. and u wont have to try to find the right one either it will come to you .. my best advice is stay focused on what you have going on coz it sounds good to me :) .. life isnt passing you by your on top of it at the moment ..
It sounds to me that you have made a lot of correct decisions. Both of my sons are adults, both in college and neither date. They wish to prepare a home to present to their brides and trust that God will lead them to their brides.

Be patient and God will lead.
Congrats on getting into medical school and good luck in all you do! but on to your question: God is not a matchmaker. If you want a bf, then you have to go out and look for one. God will put him in your path, but you have to walk the path to meet him.
My advice is twofold. First, you have chosen the correct priority, education. Second, do not let society and american culture make you feel inferior because you are not ';doing the dating scene'; the way peer pressure says we should. God has given life to you to make your own decisions. he will bless our decisions if we ask, but He will not make them for us. You,ve plenty of time for dating and romance, get your life together first. Thanks for sharing and Godspeed on your journey.
First don't date a man who is not a christian and not a virgin. Second wait for confirmation from God when you find someone who appeals to you. God will lead you if you will listen.
one has to decide do i want to be this medical professional with possibly no spouse.

Should I date now or wait to after I reach my goal.

You should ask god what he wants you to do.
It depends what your objective is. But if someone asks you out, accept the date, for the practice. It's just a date. One date is not going to destroy your academic career. Be honest with the guy.
You need to study the bible for guidance.

I recommend reading Ezekiel 23:19-21
lighten up and enjoy life, not saying you don't, but spend more time just hanging with friends... don't think you have to ';play the dating game';... just be a real friend and don't turn down time to enjoy the simple things with someone.
Ask God to give you the right boyfriend and have faith! God Bless! Good Luck! That special someone will come when God wants them to.
Have you considered a dating service or a matchmaker?

Are there no eligible young men at your church?


don't allow your feelings to over ride your sense .
get a dildo
GOD WILL THROW A MAN DOWN FOR YOU FROM ready to catch it...and remember to thank god!
Continue to get your life in order and the person who said get a dildo is just that. Ignore him/her. You should wait on the guy of your dream so that you can do things the right way. If you do that God will bless you more than ever. I wish I could have saved myself for marriage but the person I thought was going to be my future wife decided to cheat on me. So get your life in order and everything else will fall in place.
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