Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christian(s): Christian Dating Advice?

Hello everyone. I am a Christian man who is trying his best to live the way God wants him to live. I am not a perfect Christian, but I certianly want to live the way I should. I recently met a lady in my church. She is such a beautiful lady. She makes Haily Berry look bad.

We went to work out together, and I think I weirded her out a little bit. Why? I teach music (classical) and at night I am a chorus member in the city Opera. She thought it was interesting, but differemt. Also, she told me that she could not let go of Hip Hop. Now, I have nothing against Hip Hop as an art form. However, some of the things they say in the music are anti - Christ. I did not tell her to much about this because we all have our own convictions. It has been a day or so, and she has not called me back. Should I pray for her and hope we can work things out, or just leave her alone?

P.S. All our welcome to answer.Christian(s): Christian Dating Advice?
o my goodness... terri kay or what ever just lied to your face... so you have some differences, so what? every couple does. if you really like her, maybe hold off on dating for a while and build up a friendship when you see her in church. say, ';that's a nice dress. it looks really pretty on you,'; or, ';hey, how's the family?'; girls like to no you care. our family means everything to us. if she forgot her bible, let her borrow yours and i promise, the preacher is not gonna confuse you just because you don't have the words right in front of your face.

and about the music thing... have you ever heard of casting crowns or third day? they have up-beat music but its completely christian and everything in the lyrics is christian. they play artists like them and many more every day on K-Love. you should look in to the station and maybe you both could find some common ground there. they have a website, they have all the latest concert news, missionary updates and much much more. if you have a iPod or mp3 player or something of the sort, you can even download music to them, and your phone. you can also become a member and get updates through emails about music and the latest news.

hope this helps... good luck and God bless!!!Christian(s): Christian Dating Advice?
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes when it comes to pop-culture, does not make them more or less pure of a person. Anywho as to your question, I would say wait a day or two more then message her in some simple way, and if you get no reply then move on.
Let me ask you a question. Are you wanting to be with her because of her looks or is there something else? I only read how she makes Hailey Berry look bad. (I think it would take a lot to make Ms. Berry look bad). Was there a quality or a spark that made you stop and say to yourself ';There is so much more to this beautiful lady';. Is she trying to end hunger in your community or are you still inthralled with her looks? There is so much more to a person than looks.

Yes, I agree some Hip Hop lyrics can be anti - Christ, offensive and vulgar, but to who? Just as well, some Hip Hop is not offensive or vulgar or anti - Christ. Have you taken the time to listen to it? Or is all Hip Hop bad? You can not push onto her what you think is anti - Christ. That is the whole beauty behind free agency and the ability to find the right someone for you.

Let me tell you a story. A friends husband decide he was going to set me up with one of his friends. The guy was nice and courteous, but every other word out of his mouth was profanity and he drank. Now I understand cussing happens, and there is nothing wrong if others choose to drink, but when I told him I didn't, my friends husband and the ';date'; both made comments regarding that I should drink and ';lower my standards';. As soon as I heard ';lower my standards'; it hit me like a ton of bricks. What my ';standards'; are may not be the same ';standards'; for someone else. And vice versa. I don't have to lower my standards for anyone. They are my standards and what I am striving for in my life.

I think it is great you are able to admit your not perfect and striving to live the way God wants you to, but God does not want you to settle for just anyone. He wants you to ';settle'; with the right one. She may not be the right one for you. If you are having a hard time with her listening to Hip Hop, it sounds like she is not the one. Maybe this is where the friendship starts. Say hello to her at church. Become intrested in her and what she likes and not so focused on her music. Maybe she needs you in her life at this time as a friend and nothing more. You must be friends first before you can be intimate. Look ahead 40 years; if your seating on the front porch side by side in your rocking chairs and you have nothing to say to each other,what do you have? Nothing! Just be be a friend.

Yes, pray for her. You can never say enough prayers, but leave her alone. If it is meant to be, it will be. Let go and let God.
she probably does not even give recognition to the lyrics, and doesn't know the negative effects it may have on her. i think you should get to know her as a friend and then when shy falls in love with you you can tell her about how bad the lyrics are but don't push it on her right now!!
Who is Haily Berry? Pictures?

Sounds like she isn't the bible thumper you are. Which is probably why you scared her.

you freaked her out, she's not interested, let it be.
Pray for her, hope things work out.Maybe thats why God led you to her.
she probably realized you guys arent compatable. If you really think she will make a good wife and partner with you in Christ, then i keep praying about it. But dont force yourself on her it will make her afraid

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